The Black Diamond

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by CraftEhh, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. CraftEhh

    CraftEhh Forerunner

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    The term 'Diamond' is used 4 Extremely difficult conditions for skiing, mainly because the track is really hard at the start, the illusion of a Chair lift is added @ the bottom back at the start. Track is extremly difficult, i dont have many picutres so here's my video. This is my first of many racetracks, im a leader of SKYLiNEFORGiNG (Sigs/Maps)
    -CraftEhh (AoA ACC)
    YouTube - Halo REACH RaceTrack ::The Black Diamond::
    #1 CraftEhh, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems very difficult.. as you said. I love the spirals at the beginning :) ..... but I just don't see how more than 2 players could race on it. What happens if you fall off? You get backtracked 20 or so seconds from the other player(s)?? I personally think you should widen the track significantly, add borders to it so you can't just fall off and have to restart it all over again, and try to change it up a bit more. I'm not talking about the grass parts... I'm talking about the looooong stretches where you simply go straight. Just seems so bland imo.

    So... I suggest A) widening the track, if not, at least at borders B) make the long stretches less bland C) add more checkpoints.
  3. CraftEhh

    CraftEhh Forerunner

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    Yeah its hard, im not an easy guy to impress, even when it comes down to driving. If you fall off, its not my fault, thats whats you get. If you're worried about get back tracked then you shouldnt be racing on this track, because many will be. Yeah i know its bland but i wanted to see how far i could go and what i could do with 10,000 money credits, dollars, w/e. Clearly i ran out of money so thats why it 'Bland', sorry. I was having trouble with the whole checkpoint thing, i found it confusing.. But yeah, ill be sure to make a different one not so bland and my next project is gonna be doubled up racetrack i think, i've got loads of ideas.
  4. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    I just watched the video. Cool map but like ER1c0 said it bland and not wide enough. And it was too long. LIke when I want to play a race map I like short and wide enough for me to actually race. IF I would download this map I would be bored after a min or two since the ONLY thing that would grab my attention is the spiral ramp going up thingy. And I would only get to do that every 3 mins which if it was me I would kill die right after that just to do it again. But overall a decent map. Maybe on your next one imcorporate that spiral thing in it. Good Luck and Happy Forging :)
  5. kaosminett

    kaosminett Forerunner

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    needs land mines on the big ass downhill part
    spiral thing is cool, this definitely isn't for the casual gamer though
    so it would only appeal to a small crowd
  6. CraftEhh

    CraftEhh Forerunner

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    Working checkpoints now!!!!! On all my maps.
    #6 CraftEhh, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  7. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    That was quite creative. Good job! Took place in almost every part of the map. This is really great and fun. I can't wait for all your other race maps to be posted.

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