The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah, I agree. I generally win against AL abusers, simply because if you rely so heavily on one thing (no matter how much it destroys flow, which AL does) then overall you're likely to lose out. But my main issue is that it's the one thing that can make a game where I steaked the other team not even fun. Never have I found winning games by a high margin so frustrating and dull as when it's against AL spammers, the win brings little more than relief and a feeling of vindication rather than a sense of a game well played.

    As for it not being a person, I feel as if I've inadvertently pushed this thread towards balance discussion rather than talking about d-bags in MM. I'll leave balance discussions to the Waypoint forums and threads here if I ever get around to starting one, apologies.
  2. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Oh I know, I was just kinda venting the rage.

    As for douchebags, I was playing Invasion earlier on. I was flying the Banshee around Spire, getting kills and defending the core carrier. As I flew out over the ocean, one of my Dickhat teamates EMP'd me with the GL and the Banshee fell into the water. I got no option to kick. Soon later, I got in the banshee again to have him shoot me with a DMR for about a minute so it ended up low health and I got killed with one enemy DMR shot.

    Then he followed me around lowering my shields and Tbagging me every time I died. Idiot.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I completely agree with this, I think you nailed it. If they did these two things I think they could even increase its armor a bit - let it take one more sniper round or six more DMR shots - although that might not be necessary. But both of the things you mentioned are where the banshee is most overpowered in the hands of someone who is even semi-adept. I agree about the tank too - I grab the banshee on Paradiso 100% of the time rather than the tank, but even on a map that does less to limit the tank's mobility (Boneyard) I prefer the banshee and its dominance of the map from one end to the other, plus its great ability to get out of harm's way quickly.

    Edited by merge:

    Agree with this too. I hate when I swing a sword and the guy pops in and out of armor lock for the rejection. I know two things immediately at that point: 1. I'm going to be killing this guy eventually anyway, but 2. it's going to take 10 seconds instead of 1. Playing a whole team of armor lockers on maps like Countdown just frustrates me endlessly.

    Edited by merge:

    This kind of stuff, and the broken-ass boot system in Reach, might be what eventually pushes me away from the game entirely. I get so tired of getting shot for 10 seconds after taking a vehicle or weapon that somebody else wanted. On Saturday I was betrayed twice in different games in inexcusable situations and never got a boot option, and I had one game with an entire team full of griefers who were constantly shooting me and each other (but usually without betraying) so that the other team got one easy kill after another. They need to fix this crap.
    #123 Nutduster, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  4. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Unfortunately for us, things like that can't really be fixed, apart from maybe putting the betray limit back down to one. But then it would be exploited like it was back in september.

    Honestly, its just the immature players. Reach is a great game, but it's full of idiots, just like every other game.
  5. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    How's this for a douche bag. 2 guys on my team on Living Dead are AFK so they can get free points while they wait for the round to end so they can be humans again. I betrayed them and one of them booted me and sent me a message saying I shouldn't mess with him because if he doesn't want to be a zzombie he doesn't have to.

    Edited by merge:

    What is the betray limit anyway? I got killed by a kid on Living Dead twice in a rowand I got the option to boot him both times. (same match, died, fought my way back, died again instantly, yes I did send it to Rooster Teeth's "Fails of the Weak")

    Maybe they should modify what everf it is that detemines it to bring what weapon is being used and where enemies are in relation, so if you fire a rocket into a group of 3 guys, one of whom is on your team, you aren't as likely to get booted as if you shoot a guy with your dmr repeatedly and kill him when no one is around (maybe further to include if you give enough damage to someone so it's easier for enemies to kill them enough times)
    #125 R Richard P26, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  6. Young Zeppelin

    Young Zeppelin Forerunner

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    Haha well this just happened to me today it wasnt really like they were being douchy to our team but we had a game of teamslayer on countdown and the other team kept running outside upstairs and jumping off the ledge killing themselves before we could get them lol of course we got a few because youve only gotta hit em with one bullet and you get the kill but theyd even blow themselves up inside the hallways and ****. they got to like -50 for no reason. and than they decided to start fighting back...they took up so much time we couldnt finish the game with fifty kills it was really annoying. and what was the point of it?????

    Edited by merge:

    Umm yeah my freind got a betrayal from a richochet bullet on team snipers lol and we got booted for it!!!
    #126 Young Zeppelin, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  7. Floods

    Floods Forerunner

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    Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never run into a single one of these. Not one.
    You kidding? I love these guys. If someone kills you with anything other than the BR/DMR, they're a noob. If they did kill you with the BR/DMR, they cheated. It's genius.

    If they're on the other team I like to go out of my way to AR kill them just for grins.

    Also about yoinking - I don't mind when it happens to me, since the only times I ever launch it are by accident. But I feel that when you do it deliberately, it's basically just like teabagging, and if you're gonna be a douche and decide to style on someone like that, there's nothing douchey about me yoinking it. I also make a point of yoinking anyone who assassinates in swat or FFA, just because they're ****ing idiots.

    Oh man, I would've completely lost my mind. I had something similar happen to me (also on Paradiso)... I had like 16-17 kills with no deaths, mostly just by sniping/dmring the red base from the sniper ledges. Pretty methodical/boring game aside from the fact I hadn't yet died. I probably should've just ran back to blue base and sat on the perfection, but I decided to be a guy and keep playing, just not as actively. With about 2 minutes left one of my own teammates walks up there and AR's me to death. I think it's an accident or maybe he's just screwing around, but sure enough, he keeps going and kills me (murphy's law, if i had returned fire and killed him he'd have booted me). When I went into rageguy mode and sent him a couple of nice messages, he called me a camper and told me to get some skill, despite me having roughly 3 times his kill total. I still want to strangle that kid.
  8. Josh1129

    Josh1129 Forerunner

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    PLaying INfection and killing zombies but then u kill him after you die getting a kill from the grave and betrayal and thne getting booted happens everytime
  9. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    DominaTorDeUcE, or something along those lines, gets very very angry at the emblems next to people's gamertag.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    How are you even managing to do that? I play infection sometimes to get daily challenges (it's great for things like close quarters kills and three sprees in one game) and I don't think I've ever gotten a betrayal the way you describe. Since you don't spawn with grenades it's nearly impossible. The only things I could think of would be one, if you shot a zombie without killing him and then he flew off the map after you died; or two, if you killed each other at the same time but your kill wasn't registered until a second later because of lag or something. But I'm pretty sure I've had the second option happen to me before and even then it didn't say I got a betrayal.
  11. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    I know what he's talking about, it's just a fluke because you've already switched to the zombie team by the time it registers the kill, but people don't have to be stupid enough to boot the guy just because the option appears on screen.
  12. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    That's happened to me about 50 times, but I've never gotten the option to boot, or got booted, when it did happen.
  13. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Totally agree. In fact, I almost enjoy harassing douchey team-mates.

    Don't get me wrong, I love to play as a team and help out, but if one kid decides to act like a D-bag to me or my team, they've gotta leave. By ANY means necissary. Enjoy your imminent quitting probation d-bag.

    Back OT: I had two kids on my team in BTB who betrayed each other over and over, not booting since they were griefing intentionally and in the same party. They got up to a negative 20 or so, but I managed to nade myself to no shields and jump in front of his sniper. Bam! Boot one. Other quits. JUSTICE BE DONE!

    Surprisingly, we only lost by like 10, and it was team slayer.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Woah. You're kind of my hero. That's pretty good thinking... I was stuck in a big team game recently where half my team was partied up and betraying each other over and over, and I couldn't think of anything to do except mostly stay away from them and the other team, and just wait the game out.
  15. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Thanks, it wasn't that big of a deal though. What I don't understand is why they do that? I mean, you can kill people WITH your friends. And, you get points and cR for it! If you'd rather kill everyone, go play rumble pit with some friends.
    Sometimes yes, I play with friends in BTB and for fun one guy betrays another for some stupid reason, then they retaliate, but that is usually lighthearted and we stop at 2 or so and get back to playing.
    Unfortunately, I can never get enough friends online at once to bring a full team into BTB or customs, or even a team of 4 is sometimes difficult to get together, so I often have to put up with douchey teammates.

    Otherwise, games with full parties are a lot more fun for this reason.
  16. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    *Looks at title*

    Anyone who votes for Paradiso.
  17. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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  18. Ivory Hayze

    Ivory Hayze Forerunner

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    When you beat someone to the sniper and they decide to follow you and melee you as you try to take a shot which would have most likely killed someone. I had a chance to take out their tank and my douchey teammate smacks me right before I fire and miss. Anytime this happens I put the round meant for the enemy right into their head. I get booted most of the time, but it's worth it.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I get a certain satisfaction from still landing really nice snipes whilst a team mate is shooting/meleeing me in the back. It feels like making the point of why I picked it up rather well, though sadly the person realising their mistake and actually leaving me alone is pretty rare and generally they're too pissed at that point to even give the thing up to Snip3down.
  20. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I rarely have that problem lol, you've seen me hoggin the sniper. Its not like I go out of my way for it all the time I just stumble across it EVERYWHERE. So when a teammate tries to betray me for it, I happily find the nearest weapon and hand it over. Worst that happens? I get a different sniper. Best? He knows his ****.

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