The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    no the douchey thing to do was what i said in the post above you. scoring to end the game asap is the kind thing to do, i think
  2. Williamz

    Williamz Forerunner

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    Ok I'm NOT discriminating anyone or any country but the majoritiy of the time it's Amercians. I've noticed that when playing Halo:Reach at european time people do not seem to do anything "douchey." When it's 4-8 o'clock in the evening in Britain the fellow American people come online and turn Reach into a playground. I'm not saying every Amercian, it's the majoritiy of people in America. Everytime I get team killed it's because I have the sniper rifle or the rockets in invasion. When I get a vehicle I get plasma pistoled constently so I can't move. I give these people bad rep and doing so, I noticed they are Amercian people. I'm sorry if this does offends you but it's the truth. Yes, im sure british people are "douchey" at games too but not what I've seen.
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    They called you a douche? How ironic.

    Edited by merge:

    Glad I only live in America. The reason you don't see British people act like douches is because they are way too awesome for that. They've got that accent too, so even if they do get angry, they don't actually count as being angry.
    #83 4shot, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    i'm an american, but i'd have to agree with you on this. I think its just the high number of young teens that have xboxs, most players over the age of 20 or so (as I am) are not so douchey, but at certain times of the day its all young kids that want their sniper rifle or rockets.

    It blows
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    The only good thing is when you get the chance to deprive them of their sniper rifle or rockets. :D

    Although I have to say, something happened to me the other day that was so ridiculous I wanted to shut off my XBox. It was some big team game on Paradiso with no jet pack loadout - I sprinted up to get the banshee with some guy sprinting along right behind me. (I never will understand why people don't just give up in this situation - was he hoping I would trip or something?) When he realized he couldn't beat me to it, he started shooting me in the back. I got in and wheeled around so the nose was facing him, intending to gently push him off the top level (just to rub it in basically), but I got hung up on something. This gave him a couple extra seconds to keep shooting me. When I realized my shields were popped, I gave up and tried to fly off to play the game, but he kept on shooting until he betrayed me. He went and scooped my banshee of course, and died about 20 seconds later (don't they always?).

    Next time I saw him, he was back on the tower camping the banshee spawn. This was probably two full minutes before it was due to reappear. I shot him in the leg a few times with a DMR - one too many as it turned out, because he died. I had only meant to pop his shields, oops. Of course, he got the betrayal boot option that I didn't get, and immediately kicked me out of the game.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Idk, I've had some pretty awful experiences with cocky ass British kids as well. Often enough they pre-emptively critical of Americans and assume I am one when laying in to me, it's pretty satisfying to reply with 'actually I'm from London, come at me.'

    I think there's something to be said for the sheer percentage of Halo players who are from the US, thus statistically the majority of assholes will be American just due to this division of numbers. Though I think what's perhaps more important is something I've definitely noticed as a trend: the US Halo population seems to have a higher percentage of very young players than is true of the UK population. The vast majority of UK players I talk to are 16 and above, with a few 15 and a very small percentage younger than that, whereas having players aged 13-15 is commonplace in terms of the US population.

    The lack of social/emotional skills in males of this age is a well observed phenomenon. I'm not labelling anyone younger than 15 as immature, I've known plenty of exceptions to this on FH alone, but they're just that, exceptions, no matter how numerous. It's hard to argue with the idea that younger people tend to be less developed in their social skills, boundaries and sense of empathy, especially when you throw in the male factor and the fact that the entire premise of interaction on Halo is one of competition. No matter how much you play for fun or how casual an MM gametype is, you can't escape the fact that one team/player will win and others will lose. I think there's a lot to be said for Halo and FPS/games which emulate violence in some way, acting as a substitute for physicality in competition at some level, rather than one like chess or an RTS which fulfils a more mental role of competition. Add on top of that the problems of internet interaction with this established premise of a social skillset not fully developed enough to be full proof in the real world, let alone the social terrain of the internet which lacks the basic elements of feedback at the point of interaction on which so many of our social instincts are based, and you're in trouble.

    Not saying it's an excuse (tbh for them or me, a lot of this comes from looking at myself and trying to work out why I react the way I do, I can get really ragey online when I feel someone has provoked me, to the point at which I look back and am surprised that was even even me), but an attempt to understand why. At the end of the day it's each person's own responsibility to grow up.
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Dude. I do not blame you. I'm mexican american and back in the day I used to be like that. So I can see where your coming from. British people definitely seem more chill than the others. Maybe it's just the peaceful looking atmosphere or the tea lulling them to calmness. I usually enjoy talking to my brit friends more than playing with them, cuz their playstyle is usually two extremes. Either they totally kick my ass, or I rape em.

    BOT(Back on topic)

    Here are my stereotypes for annoying D-bags

    BKs (the annoying Squeakers): The loud, annoying D-bags that seem to be built to annoy. THey scream, they whine, they constantly ask to be party leader to play their **** maps, and they consistently want fat kid or halo on halo.

    The Annoying conTROLL freak: This guy has to be the loudest voice, has to be the party leader, and everyone must agree with him or ELSE booted.

    MLG tryhards: Not usually in MLG teams or playlists, these represent the annoying kids whom you beat in competitive playlists(usually MLG) that bug the crap outta you to 1v1 them and consider themselves the best because they use the DMR and sniper or the noob combo. And like MLG games, they exclude automatic weapons from their playstyle. Anyone caught by them using automatics in lieu of a DMR or sniper is immediately labeled a "n00b" or a "****ing prick" (this is not an insult to legit MLG goers or serious MLG players. I mean the ****ing annoying pricks who think to highly of themselves)

    The WHiny black ops player (otherwise known as, the *****): THis guy is the ultimate *****, and is usually found playing COD more than Halo. COming from a life of camping and easy kills with overpowered two shot guns and perks that make you better than everyone else, this guy is not used to playing halo like everyone else. THats not the problem. THe problem is he joins halo games to be a huge ***** and continuously says **** like "OMG HALO SUX BALLZ" "ANYONE WHO ACYUALLY LIKES THI SIS ****ING GAE!" "OMG COD IS BETTAR!" *beats off to a picture of Reznov and Ghost*

    The Teen: This whiny teenager loves to complain, and makes a living out of giving other people major ****. He will nonsense rage a map (especially a squeakers map) in hopes of recording their whining on his capture card and posting it to youtube. He will also complain about the game physics in each and every way possible "OMG AR IZ NERFED!" :HOW *** U NO HEADSHOT" :OMG RETICLE BLOOM ****ING **** SUCKS" These chaps also swear a lot because it makes them feel big, bad and mature.

    The 40 year old virgin with no life: THis guy spent his entire life with nothing but video games. though he is a good source of info ffor them, he is a ****tard and a jerk. Mainly because he's working two dead end jobs just to pay off the mortgage, with a side job for everything else, his girlfriend left him years ago because he never kept himself in shape or spent enough time with her. He can't even order a hooker and must stick to the many photos of Rihanna he has hanging all over his room. He is often a jerk or a douche, but hey, at least he makes a mean machinima. (sorry, stupid pun)

    The Machinima maker: THis hombre makes amazing machinimasm everything from a slice of life to action figures talking. WHy is he so bad? beacuse of his fame. Its corrupted him. THough his machinimas can be sentimental and full of emotion, he is the polar opposite, at least on his happy side. He assumes he is better than everyone else and calls people "WOrthless wastes of ****ing life" or curses them out to impress his friends, who are only his friends because he is famous, and would leave in a heartbeat the second this mother ****er loses his fame. Boy, what an ass!

    THat's just the start of my list.

    If you are any of these personalities I have listed above, please change your life around before you **** it up even more!
    #87 Zow Jr, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  8. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    agree with all this. higher number of players in the US means everytime you run into an asshole its likely he'll be an american (also, a lot of us are assholes. i'll admit it. i'm not proud). I also think a lot of young players have halo because parents see it as not as violent/gory as other FPSs; theres shooting and killing but hardly any blood, everyones in a powersuit and kind of cartoony, the story line isn't a real war against people but against evil invading aliens. I think this is one of the main reasons a lot of younger players have halo and not COD or battlefield.
    Combine the fact that a lot of the douchiest people online are losers in real life with the fact that some of these virgin teens brimming with hormones have no other competitive outlet in their life, and you make for some very unpleasant people.

    That being said, I'm really sick of all the assumptions a lot of people make about americans. We're not all fat illiterate machismo assholes with big trucks and tribal tattoos that voted for george w bush.

    Okay i may be 20lbs overweight but the other stuff doesn't apply XD
    #88 IH8YourGamerTag, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Well, I think the reason most of the kids everyone runs into are douches is due to the fact that their generation is just spoiled and get their way most of the time. They cry and complain until their parents give in... and think it's ok to do the same thing online. I think a lot of that has to do with how laws protect against physical discipline of children. It's a kinder/softer era for discipline. It's all about grounding or giving time-outs in some corner. If I did anything wrong... WHACK... and I'd go flying through a door... then my parents would pull out the belt and whoop my ass/legs/back until they were tired.

    What I'm getting tired of is these kids playing Firefight Limited and kamikazeeing away all of the lives so the game will end early and they'll get their 1,000 cR. If I make it through an entire game of Firefight, I often make 3,500+cR. It makes absolutely no sense to pull that crap and I'm getting tired of handing out bad reviews to everyone.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    It is a softer generation. I got the belt or the wooden spoon for a lot of dumb stuff, where as a lot of kids now get no real lasting punishment. They also are spoiled by all this tech they've grown up with and feel entitled to. My little brother's girlfriend's phone had no reception when we went camping and she actually cried. bawled. its really quite pathetic.
  11. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    So, you got your asses handed to you and are annoyed about it? Imma be honest, if I had a team, and we had a chance to spawn rape the enemy team, I'd do it. Because it obviously took them time and work to do that, so they deserved the reward.

    I actually did this a couple of days ago on Paradiso, myself and some of my team captured both tanks, both banshees and both snipers. We destroyed them. I wouldn't call that douchey though. We worked for it, and it took alot of co-ordination to get everything the way it was.

    Also, the whole "Lower ranking randoms" thing is pretty stupid. Ive kicked the asses of many incredibly high ranking players, and i've had my ass handed to me by many low ranking players.

    Rank has nothing to do with anything.

    Anyway, back on topic, the most douchey thing to be done to me...:

    BTB slayer on Paradiso a couple of weeks ago in which me and my team were raping the enemy team. I had some epic kills and strange experiences throughout the match, but hadn't died once. 22 kills and about to get a perfection. When there was about a minute left, I had gotten hold of the enemy tank and got about 3 kills with it. One of my teamates decided to camp INSIDE the enemy base.

    When there was about 10 seconds left, he thought it would be funny to throw 2 grenades under the heavily damaged tank. It didn't blow up.

    When there was exactly one second left, an enemy spawned and blew me up with one shot of the DMR, something that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the idiot and the grenades.
    #91 Neoshadow, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  12. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I think what he was annoyed about the most was the objective-holding. Spawn-raping is one thing, and in slayer games - like it or not - it's a good tactic and is the quickest way to end a game that was probably going to be a blowout anyway. But objective-holding just so you can spawn-rape for a few extra minutes is douchey.

    That's freaking obnoxious. Luckily for me I don't often come close enough to a Perfection that such a thing is even possible. :) (Not that I'm horrible, I just play way too aggressively to have so few deaths.)
  13. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Oh same, which is why I was so surprised I only had one death. I was in a Banshee twice, I had the sniper once and I was in the tank twice too. And I constantly ran between bases. It was so much more of a special perfection because it didn't involve me camping or holding back, I just played as aggressively as I always did.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, that is awesome when that happens. I think the only perfection I've had in Reach so far was on Atom in a game of Bro Slayer - I just stayed on top of my base and plugged away with the DMR all game. I'm seldom that conservative, but hey, once I was like 10-0 it seemed foolish to change my approach. I did just have a game where I went 27-0 (every single kill was by wraith, on Hemorrhage - you can guess what kind of strategy I was using there!), but it was CTF and therefore I didn't get the perfection medal. That was annoying.

    I think the best perfection I remember getting was on Sandtrap back in Halo 3. I started with the banshee and racked up a sick number of kills, like 40 or something, without one death. Of course, the other team was horrible, greatly facilitating this achievement. But what made it funny and a bit improbable was that a guy jacked my banshee in the middle of the game, leaving me stranded on the steep dune wall with no cover and nowhere to run. He then immediately wheeled around and jetted straight at me. I patiently waited, stuck him with a plasma grenade as he came in for the splatter, and strafed away to safety while he exploded. Then I hoofed it across the entire map (racking up a few BR kills along the way) and caught the banshee again on its respawn.

    (Whoops - that was quite off-topic. Sorry. Back to d-bags!)
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    yeah you douchebags lets get back on topic.

    played rocket attack on beached with my brother and two randoms, my brother and I always try to make the rocket hog last the whole game on that map- couple hundred wheelmans for me and 0 deaths for both of us. Some asshole that was camping at the top of the main building blew up the vehicle- not once, not twice, but thrice, EVERY time it spawned and we were in it. All because he said vehicles are "cheap"

    goddamn it. I miss doubles attack a whole lot
  16. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    In a way, this sort of describes me. The difference is that I will ask players occasionally for a 1v1, but instead of persistantly annoying them for a 1v1, I just calmly ask them something like this. "If you believe you are better then me, you should 1v1 me to prove yourself." I don't ask them again if they refuse my 1v1, though. I just ignore them and move on. As for the DMR/Sniper and Noob Combo thing, I do believe those to be more skill-requiring weapons, but I won't throw that in someone's face. They probably don't want to hear that, anyways. I also exclude automatic weapons, but mainly because I believe precision weapons are more fair and balanced for the game. I'm gonna be honest about that last one, I label players as noobs if that's *all* they use. If they use automatic weapons, that's fine. But if they claim to be the best player in the world even though they get beat by any player using a precision weapon, I probably would label them a noob. Again, I won't send them some kind of message or anything and throw it in their face, but in my mind, they are officially a noob. With that being said, I can still respect a player using automatic weapons, and I won't spam any forum making fun of a players K/D or high skill. You shouldn't describe those players as MLG players, though. Not all MLG players live by that standard. Most of them are actually pretty respectful. Those players are simply known as "dicks", the same as in all walks of life.
  17. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    I think anyone who calls anyone anything on a videogame is taking it way too seriously. Enjoy the game. No one cares how good you are.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    4shot, I'll totally 1v1 you sometime. I think it'd be interesting to play you on sequence.

    Anyways, here's something that happened the other day:

    Me, and two friends, were in snipers. There was one random. He accidentally betrayed a friend, so that friend waited until there were 10 seconds left in the game, and then booted him. Successful troll is successful. In this scenario, we're the D-bags, but it was soooooo worth it.
  19. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    how was it "worth it"? I don't understand. If you're going to boot him, just boot him. why make him think you were fine with it, and sacrifice your own game because you're have to to sit staring at the boot option screen?

    I could MAYBE wrap my head around it if it was on purpose, but you said it was an accident. You're actively being unpleasant... for no good reason.

    yes you are a douchebag. i hope i never run into you. or have you on my team.
  20. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    Was he on the other team? Because if so that's kind of the point for him to kill you.

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