The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Lol of course I remember it. I haven't laughed that hard since. and I'm with you. The problem I have with it in the most part is that most of the time your team is full of randoms who won't work with you to get out of it, so whether it is easy or hard to break out of make no difference cause no one is helping you do it. So should I be made to suffer because Bungie's matchmaking system gives my team a bunch of lone wolf wannabe's?

    Spawn trapping as a strategy should be kept to the more pure competitive areas. Keep it out of casual Matchmaking and customs.
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    This post was also a joke. Jeez. My point again proven.

    Ok. The DMR is not on my 3rd highest in my MM K/D for nothing. But I 1v1 when I'm bored or when I just wanna have fun. So I don't wanna hear bragging or an I told you so if I get my ass kicked. It''s not that you have no right, its that there's no need for it.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah definitely, and even then it should be something you have to work and coordinate as a whole team to achieve, not just be given it because any monkey with a pair of thumbs can learn a single respawn area and abuse the hell out of it.
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    Another one that just came to mind, as it just happened to me. Anyone that constantly leaves games due to their bad connection, than gets banned for a while, than bitches about it. (but i didn't leave, its my connection, blah, blah, blah....) he doesn't seem to get that it doesn't matter what caused it, the end result is the same: you left the game before it finished, putting your team in jeopardy.

    This guy is a good friend of mine (in real life known him since junior high), makes good money, and just refuses to get a better connection. I think I might just remove friend (at least on xbl). thoughts?
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    On the subject of that specific guy then yeah, but most people who play Halo live with their parents and don't make their own money, or at least not enough to buy their own internet connection. If I'd asked my parents to get a better connection so I could play Halo back when I lived at home, they would have laughed at me.

    I agree that it's a tricky issue since people do lose out, but it's not as simple as quitting (which you have full control over) in many cases. What I really resent is this idea that's tossed around that you don't get banned/put on probation for D/C. I point out how I have been, and basically get called a liar. I suppose getting angry at comments made on should be its own lesson, but it still annoys me.
  6. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I agree with you. My little brother had this problem at my moms house, he had to get a job and buy a good router, now no problem. I can understand if you have no control... but this guy works for a law firm. has a new subaru impreza, latest iphone, buys a new comp every 3 months, etc. so I get a little sick of it, when I work as a janitor and go to school and am able to get a midrange DSL connection and learn how to port forward.

    YOU DO get banned for disconnect. I couldn't play with my little brother one week when some connector in the phone box was broken, he'd literally get bannned every night for accident disconnects.
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You really ought to have stated that your post was a joke; if it had been anyone besides you, (considering previous posts you've made) then I might've taken it more lightly. And since we're on better terms at this point, I'd be happy to 1v1 you sometime, and I believe in sportsmanship, so don't worry.
  8. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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  9. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I believe the correct term is "Herp-a-derping"
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I love herp-a-derping noobs
  11. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    The thing is, it isn't an issue unless theres an actual problem. My friend, who I play with almost every day, has great internet. But about once a year for a week, it goes down the hole. He'll have no lag at all, but halfway through a game will get lagged out. And it happens constantly that week, so he ends up on quit probation, but that's not his fault.

    However, people quitting just because they feel they have a sucky connection is no excuse. Do you know of those little USB internet dongles people pay 20 a month for, with limited internet, a supposedly low speed, and something that's only supposed to be used for things like surfing Facebook?
    I have one of those. I changed the network settings on my laptop so I could use it as a router between the internet and the xbox so I could use xbox live.

    I don't get lag that often, surprisingly. I can play for hours without lag. But lag does occur quite regularly. And when it does, it's horrible. But I don't quit out because of it. I still try my best, and usually just adapt my playstyle so I take less deaths, but get less kills, therefore being at least still slightly more useful than someone who has quit out.
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Screw you, it's called Gandhi-hopping. I take offense to that.

    .47? It seems almost as if you are trying to do badly. So yes, your DMR is your 3rd highest K/D in matchmaking for nothing.

    No offense for the above, though.
    #192 4shot, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  13. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Matchmaking is slow. I congratulate anyone who tries to make a match last as long as possible.

    Scoring at last minute - cool.
  14. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Read my sig.

    And K/D don't mean ****. I don't play matchmaking. That's why my kill totals are lower.
  15. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    That makes no sense what so ever. You don't play matchmaking, hence why your kill totals are lower? But shouldn't that mean your death totals are lower too? And you realise it's a K/D ratio, so it doesn't really matter how long or much you've played the game?

    But this makes no sense:
    Honestly, the I dont play matchmaking thing makes no sense when it comes to K/D.
  16. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    However, K/D still doesn't mean ****.
  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    anyone who beats me and ruins my fun: douche
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Actually, it means that you die more often than you kill. Granted, that's not an exact estimate of skill, assists and such must be considered, but it's one of the more accurate determinations of performance. Just sayin.
  19. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Well then judging by my overall K/D, I'm not too shabby
  20. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    You're just starting to get annoying now. First you play this whole "long range weapons r dum loollolol, so I'm going to ***** and moan like a ****ing school child about how dumb they are just to turn around and change my opinion because people called me out". Now, your on about how K/D doesn't matter and then (shocker) you change your stance when the same person (god bless you Kuroda) calls you out again.

    Have even the slightest backbone next time you post here, alright?

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