The Big Apple This map can be used for not only for infection or jaggernaut but great capture the flag, slayer, and assault games aswell. However you would have to change and add spawn points. This is New York City Mode: Infection(Nemesis) or Juggernaut(King Kong) Starting point (Auditorium) Exit into the city Break into the Empire State Building Enter level 1 Level 139 Thanks You can download "The Big Apple" map varent: and "Can You "game type: feel free to check out some of my other maps aswell as leaving comments and rating. Heres a link to a video of some of my other maps
your map has a good design, i like the idea of new york as a map, but i think it should have placed in the casual maps, since infection is the primary game type
i think the interlocking is pretty good, so if you add some geomerging so you dont lose grenades, it could be a lot like gridlocked. i think it seems like good gameplay, maybe not for infection, find away to eliminate teleporters maybe, and it could be a 5/5
well, i would say this map could be really great if you added more to it try adding bridges and walkways between the buildings on upper levels to make it more interactive. create more unique cover with interlocking, and feel free to look at other maps for inspiration. I like your city design, the feel of it is great, it just could be much better with fine-tuning and additions. right now i'd give it a 7.8/10 edit: also, its much better to be thurough and put spawn starts and objective spots for every gametype you expect people to play on this map instead of urging others to do it if they choose to play other gametypes. it's a pain and repetitive, but its worth it for your DLers.
I love this map. Just by looking at it i love it. I have been waiting for a map like this on foundry. have you ever thought of playing cops n robbers on this? do you have a gametype to download for this?
I've seen horrible attempts at cities as maps in foundry, but this one is great! This is a well built map. 5/5
Thanks for all the great feedback youguys I dont have the gametypes up yet but I'm sure you have your own infection/jaggernaut gametypes that will work well with the map... once again feel free to check out some of my other maps Thanks
okay i just played this a few times today and absolutely loved it. However, you really need to fix your spawns next time because every round, the zombie spawns right behind the humans. other than that everything else is perfect
this map looks great, but i think you should create your own gametype to fit with it that would be very helpful to a lot of people
Nice map, like the idea of running around in NY from zombies, almost even like I am Legend, great job 5/5
The map looks like a fun city level it could use a little more interlocking though and more buildings that you actually go in. 4/5