This .gif was around when I was at least 9-10, im 13 now and I still am amazed by it. I wish I knew who made it, and if there are more, but the author is impossible to find and it was made a long time ago. I think you would agree this .gif is pretty cool. P.S. If anyone know what show or book the anime is from, please tell.
I remember having seen that gif around '02-'03, so it's been around a good while longer than that. I will agree that it is pretty amazing, but at the same time, some information about it: As it is an image that has been circulating around the net for a while now, tracing it back to its roots would be a near impossibility. Most likely, it was around at the inception of 4chan, but was probably spawned well before that. Unless the author has it tagged (which may be, but see below), we may never find out who actually made it. In terms of where it comes from in terms of books, anime, manga, or other sources of the like, I can say with confidence that it is completely original. It draws upon themes and motifs that you see common to anime and literature, but does not have any single origin. The whole thing is supposed to be a comedy, or some form of parody of anime and video games in general. The idea, as you can see, is that he is trying to open the door, and gets pissed off at it, and so attacks it. It doesn't budge, and so his attacks escallate in severity, eventually winding up in his passing out/dying in an effort to open the door. All of these, though, are intended to push the door in, when in fact, it is a pull door. This fact is evidenced in the end when all of his efforts leave him in vain, lying unconscious or dead on the floor as the door swings effortlessly open. Of course, to spice things up, the original artist drew upon ideas and images that you commonly see in anime and manga - particularly where hits are being accompanied by character shots that presumably are important to the guy hitting the door, as though his hits are more powerful because of that. None of those characters is from any "real" anime, so to speak, though they are all drawn to mimic the entire genre of anime. As for tags, I do believe the Japanese text included at the beginning and the end is either the name of the gif, "Multi Lock On," or it is the artist's name. If I am wrong, then there is very little chance that we will know. Oh, and by the way, there's a high probability that this is a repost...
Very very nice animation, but I have no idea why someone with enough skill or time (or both?) would limit themselves to such a small working area. Id love to see it a bit bigger. And nice post Jpec.
It was made with Ez-Toon v.2 I believe. I know with some version of Ez-Toon. I made something very similar, but less.