Basically just share your favorite kind of moments. One of my favorites is when there's a thunderstorm. Especially when it's hailing or raining REALLY hard. Idk why but the sudden shriek of light and noise just puts myself at an edge, but then I remember I'm inside my house or something like that. It's pretty shweet. what's yours? (no perverted things)
I'll agree, there's an odd sensation knowing that you're all rugged up while it's pouring down. I like wearing shorts and a shirt and wrapping up in a blanket while it's raining, don't really know why.
yah lol me too. i for some reason dont like "nice days" because here the days are always either like 80 degrees or 60 degrees, never 74 in my comfort zone. anyway, i like laying down on the couch during a thunderstorm wrapped up in this really nice blanket we have watching tv or playing bioshock. have you guys ever played bioshock at night? it makes me want to **** myself
agreed 100%. I love putting on hot weather clothes when it's rainy and cold and making myself cozy. Until I decide to go sit out in the rain.
Well, I guess that one's well agreed upon. Another one of mine is listening to a good song while the world rushes past you. I guess it just feels nice to relax after school or something...
that song sucks. i clicked on it after reading the destination and the only thing i noticed ws "bare naked ladies" and i was like "omfg i better click on this or im gay!" and now im like "wow. that was dissapointing :'(
You have never had the full experience of a beautiful late summer night untill you have been to Hawaii. Walking along the beach at night over there with an ice cream cone in your hand is just awesome!
Howabout going on a HUGE rollercoaster... Especially the first giant drop where you get that weird pit sensation in your stomach... That's like the best.
going to bed at 3 AM on the weekends and knowing that you don't have to wake up early, but only if you found the perfect spot to fall asleep. AHhhhhhh.
Personally I like walking around a beach at sunset on a summer night. Unfortunately I don't live near a beach so I don't do it that often. Also the sunrise from a mountain is great, especially in the summer and warm, but I have the same problem with that. In fact pretty much anywhere when I'm alone, outside, away from civilization (or at least do not see anything manmade), and warm with my iPod or something to listen to (like the waves at a beach) where I can sit and think. Its just great.
On the playground. Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool. And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school.
Playing the last mission of Halo 3 while listening to "By The Way" by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. 'Tis fun. would have to be wandering up to a massive hill near my apartment that overlooks the city, and just sitting there taking in the sights It's a damn breathtaking view, and it's quite peaceful at night. Pretty romantic place to bring the ladyfriend too.