The later games have really lost a lot of the game's original charm. The first is and always will be a classic. I really liked 3 and Trilogy, although trilogy lacked story it had such a vast amount to choose from. The revival game, Deadly Alliance was great. Although it didnt live up to the previous games it was still an amazing game to return to. And with the twist of having liu kang killed was brilliant. From there they've stayed around the same but gotten a little worse but they're still great fun. I loved playing the konquest in Armageddon, to see how they incorporated each character brought back a feeling of nostalgia. IMO, the opening video for Armageddon was the greatest moment in all of Mortal Kombat. Yeah, I am a Mortal Kombat fan. THere's a few things that I know a lot about: Wrestling, Mortal Kombat, South Park.