Hey, im new and was just wondering what people think are the best forge maps availible for download on this site
Check around the Featured Maps section. I'm sure that you could find a ton of great maps and gametypes that you could play.
going to ForgeHub and asking which are the best maps is like going to a group of Masterchiefs and asking which one is superior
If you are putting it like that though, then the best map would be the original or the first. And I bet that Vertigo isn't the best map on this site. xD Nah, joking. But the real answer is up to you.
There are lots of different maps and some are completely unique, so asking which is best doesn't really work, since they are all great.
One of my favorites is Barts Manor it look like it took alottttt of work and it's a fun map to play on
i am new to forgehub also but this guy Nathon green is very good and then the featured maps on here are also
it depends on your preferenceeg. if you like conquest you'll probably like the cellars but if you like vip the cellars won't appeal to you very much. this is justa simple (and crappy) example but i would go into the forge maps section and take a look around the boards and download a couple of maps that appeal to you