Onward on The Behemoth Created by Speed e cake Map and Gametype Description Tower of Power was one of my favorite games from Halo 2, it was a game of Shotguns only and no shields where both teams rushed the tower that held the turret, the only ranged weapon on map. Start of round spawn. The Behemoth, however is a map on Sandtrap that uses the Elephant in a similar way. Onward is King of the Hill variant that is a Tower of Power counter part, tailored to Sandtrap's play style. Outside of the hill, players movement is double default (200%) letting them get to the Elephant quicker and not wasting too much time when respawning to get back into the fray. Everyone is armed with a Shotgun, just like Tower of Power and have no shields. The Elephant. The hill itsealf never moves and surrounds the Elephant, gives every player on the Elephant a damage boost (from 50% to 100%), speed reduction (from 200% down to 100%), ability to drive vehicles and finally, earns your team points. Every round lasts 5 minutes and there are 3 rounds, each with unlimited score. Bubble Shields and other tools are on this map just for you With the turret, one may think it is impossible to over take the Elephant. I thought about that, so I added three different things to help you out: Bubble shields, Custom Power Ups and a Missle Pod. The Bubble shields spawn 45 seconds into the round in the following locations: Notice the Custom Power Up. The Custom Power ups give 15 seconds of invisibility, instead of regualar active camo that give 30 seconds. This should be long enough to run to the Elephant without being spotted. The Custom Power ups spawn 60 seconds into the round and are found in the following locations: The Missle Pod is for taking out the turreter and possibly the driver of the Elephant if all else fails. There is only one on the map and it spawns 120 seconds into the round, and can be found here: Action Pictures A fimiliar site to Conquest fans. The turret can reach even the ramp leading to it. How not to take control of the Elephant. Hiding can prove useful in situations. A lack of comunication with teammates can end up like this. Rushing is simple, yet effective. Even out of the hill, this tactic is extremly vital for a takeover. Thank you to everyone who playtested this map, especially RPAL and evan12057 who gave suggestions for alternate weapons. Download Onward Download The Behemoth
i remember helping you run some tests on this. The shotgun and smg starts were my favorite. the game is extremely fast paced and fun to play. it plays balanced and is unique to try and lug around the phant and collect hill time. Great idea and you executed it very well.
This map looks really simple and very nicely thought up. It just shows that simple games may be better than many other complex games. One question i had was if there was any vehicles, and if there are you should get rid of them unless they were mongeese. My other question was if there was a set team limit or suggested number of teams. Overall it looks like a fun and exciting game 4.6/5
The only vehicles are the Elephants, and only the one that holds the hill is operable because of the on hill traits. I recommend only two teams, and the more players, the better and more fast paced it plays.
Nice man! I appreciate games that go beyond the ordinary and create their own unique gameplay. People usually rely on the forging to rate the map, and pre-dlc maps doesn't allow for much forging, so people don't really pay attention to these maps, so props for doing something that people usualy avoid for that reason. This really is a moving tower of power, that is crazy, nice job! Oh ya, we should take this, and combine it with SkyRide to form 'roflfucksandboxplayoriginalsandtrapgames' the greatest game in the world! Shroomz: I don't think it makes a big difference, it spawns in 120 seconds.
You said the turret was the only ranged weapon on the map... then tell us you added a missile pod. Isn't a missile pod a ranged weapon?
I saw SkyRide earlier today and would download it if it wasn't for my XBox got the RRoD two days after testing and getting screenshots for the map. I don't know how these two would make for a combination, but I'm open to the idea. Yes it is in Tower of Power in Halo 2, I never said anything about The Behemoth weapon's range.
Very Unique idea one of a kind I never thought of this before but good job I like the goal of the game to take over the elephant. Try adding some more weapons matbe if you want to. 4/5
I like maps like this that use one simple idea to create a fun map. The combination of 200% speed and the bubble shields / custom power-ups seem like a good way to counteract the "openness" of Sandtrap, which is important for this gameplay. Definitely will download soon. 5/5
Anyways... interesting game concept. Seems like an interesting game and all. I'm just tired of Sandtrap. As far as forging goes, doesn't look like you did much of anything... not that it's your fault or anything. There just isn't much you can do with the crap pieces provided for Sandtrap. If Sandtrap had items to forge with like from Sandbox, there could be some decent possibilities for new maps. Unfortunately for me, playing on Santrap has worn itself out. Now I'm wondering if Elephants can be modded onto Sandbox... hmmm...
this looks really good, its hard to make a good pre-dlc map (i tryed alot back in the day) but u made a great one. even with the MMP out i think this is just as good if not beter than alot of maps on that. i like what u did with the Custom Power Ups and i think it was a good idear to put in a missle pod because with its spawn time it can only b used a max 2 times each round and makeing the hill let u use the elephant is a awesome thing to do so people cant use the other 1. Great job 5/5