The Twin towers is a map made for all gametypes and is perfectly balanced to satisfy every type of gamer. This map is a map built for intense battles. The map includes the new interlocking technique to deliver a smooth as possible game. Now onto the important things... The Twin Towers Has two very large buildings(one for each team) that are equiped with weapons of your need and has some sweet features like many places to hide behind and great sniping spots. The bridges connecting the two bases will be a HUGE part of the battles because that is where the sword and it has the rockets under it. So basically thats the main parts of the map but there is also many more spots that are great for fights... Download The map here... The pictures... Between the 2 Bases Looking Into A base The inside Of a Base The top Middle Connecting the Bases A view of the Top of One base A view Of one of the Bases Sniper Tower One side of the Bases(truck sorta blocking the other side) The second side of the bases I hope You enjoy it as Much as me and my friends Did!
lol like 2 months ago there was a map on The Pit called Twin Towers and within 15 seconds of being posted like 10 people asked for a name change. On topic: u need bigger screens. It's pretty easy too.
u need better screenshots. otherwise no1 is really gonna get a feel for the map when they read it.cant see the "towers" in it so imma conclude that ther is none.
You people are retarded. Yea, it was a tragedy, big f--ing deal, this is completely unrelated. stop being such polictically correct babies just because you were brainwashed to be like that. you are all sheep.
most people say you need bigger screen shots, but how to do it.... instread of clicking on the thumbnails click on the picture first to bring it up larger