The Avengers trailer which debuted to a shocked audience at Comic-Con is now online! YouTube - Avengers Comic-Con Trailer‎ Trailer narrated by Sam Jackson, logo by Ahmet Ahmet and Peter Frankfurt. The Avengers is slated for a 2012 release to be directed by Joss Whedon and stars Samuel L. Jackson(Nick Fury), Robert Downey Jr.(Iron Man/Tony Stark), Chris Hemsworth(Thor), Chris Evans(Captain America), Scarlett Johansson(Black Widow), Mark Ruffalo(Bruce Banner), Jeremy Renner(Hawkeye) and Clark Gregg(Phil Coulson). Despite it only being a peak into what's to come, it's still awesome.
Samuel L Jackson FTW! He's had it with the Mother FKn foes on the Mother Fkn Earth! Not a big super hero fan, but I'm sure one of my friends will enjoy it very much... oh wait, he only likes DC comics...
The Hulk will be in it. But unfortunately, Edward Norton won't reprise his role of Bruce Banner, instead Mark Ruffalo will be portraying the Hulk's alternate side.
Aren't they remaking spider-man too? I was pretty sure they were going to relaunch it so Peter Parker could be a member.
Nearly ever Marvel hero has been on the Avengers at one point or another, it's like the Justice League of Marvel characters. I'm personally excited for the Thor movie more, but this still looks sweet, even though I was never a fan of Samuel L. Jackson.
Yeah, they're rebooting Spiderman. After Sony read Raimi's script for Spiderman 4, the fourth installment of the series (as well as the planned 5th and 6th) were cancelled. And now Sony are moving at a very fast pace to put out the new/rebooted Spiderman. The reason that they're moving so quickly is because if they had waited much longer they would have lost the rights back to Marvel.