Map Overview 1: Left Side Map Overview 2: Right Side Gameplay 1: Escape Gameplay 2: Ambush Hey guys, 1st time thread starter here. I'm here to showcase my best Reach work, The Ascent. Thanks for any feedback! I'm an amateur Forger and custom games enthusiast. Introduction: The Ascent is a linear infection style map and based off of the old Omega Journey maps. Players start in tight corridors, and have to destroy obstacles in their way to progress. The 1st phase of the map is spent indoors in constricted confines. Short alien travel times, flying debris, and chaos ensue. The 2nd phase of the map is opened up to the outdoors, where players navigate walkways, make skilled jumps, use gravity cannons and lifts, and avoid more land mines and a watery grave. The 3rd and final phase of the map is accessed via teleporter for humans from the outpost seen in Map Overview 1 in the distance. More skilled jumps and navigation are required the entire time while fending off attacking aliens. The pinnacle area to the right in Map Overview 2 has to be climbed. The final safehouse is in the sky, also seen in Map Overview 2, and is nearly impenetrable, but it is ridiculously difficult to be able to survive long enough to get inside it. Aliens have access to teleporters that shorten their travel distance from spawn to final safehouse. The Humans: No radar, no friendly indicators, limited ammo. I went for player traits that easily allow isolation, confusion, and vulnerability if players separate themselves and don't communicate. There are plenty of ammo dumps, secret weapon spawns and the like on the map to be found to combat low ammo. Humans must stay together and communicate, especially during the 1st phase. No AAs. The Aliens: Forced blue color. Good camo. 50% health. No shields. Energy sword set to 300% damage. Plasma Rifle set to 125% damage. Fast movement and jump traits. Fast health regen. Unlimited ammo. No AAs. The 3 map phases: I divide the map into 3 phases so it's easier to talk about. Phase 1 is the beginning interior section inside the tunnel structure seen in map overview 1. Phase 2 is the outside walkways and rooftops near/on phase 1 and also the outpost in the distance on the rock face and its respective walkways. Phase 3 starts with the landing pad to the left in map overview 2 next to the series of inclines, it then continues all the way up the pinnacle and ends in the safe house. How the map plays out: Humans in the first phase must divide their forces between guarding the rear against alien attacks, and pushing forward through the obstacles with gravity hammers and explosives. In the 2nd phase, players must effectively navigate the structures and waterways to reach the outpost teleporter. In the 3rd phase, players must navigate more treacherous waterways and make the rocky climb up the pinnacle. The final rock and bridge extensions provide a path to the final safe house. Aliens must aggressively attack through the 1st phase area, and eventually, use their safe room teleporter spawn to gain easy access to the 2nd phase play area. Aliens must swarm the safe house with overwhelming numbers and concentrated attacks. Teamwork: This map was designed with map control and teamwork in mind. Some humans must remain in the 2nd phase to allow safe teleportation to the 3rd phase. The teleporter from the outpost on the rock face leads to the 3rd phase. Zombie players can easily make the jump between the 2nd phase and 3rd phase areas of the map and camp near the teleporter. Some humans must stay behind to allow a safe teleportation, otherwise the teleportation area will be overrun and may be too dangerous to enter, trapping the humans in the outpost. Humans that teleport to the 3rd phase area must then cover the humans that were covering them. If they abandon them, they will perish on their journey to the outpost teleporter. At the base of the pinnacle, a zombie teleporter leads to above the hangar area. If humans allow this teleporter to be overrun and used, zombies will rain down from above them or camp as they make their descent up the pinnacle to the safe house. Some humans must stay behind and defend the teleporter, then they must be covered as they make their ascent. This leads to gameplay scenarios of humans rushing to not allow aliens to get in front of the escape route. Aliens then try to get in front of humans and ambush them. Humans have 3 minutes to escape phase 1 before the alien teleporter spawns. If they have not escaped by then, aliens can easily lie in wait and ambush them at the exit of phase 1. This creates scenarios of a team being harassed from behind and fearing every corner in front of them. A good human team will only have to fight aliens from behind. Conclusion: I'd really like to have constructive criticism on this map. I know the map isn't the prettiest looking, but the entire budget (0$ left) was spent on its immense length, weapon spawns, etc. Everything has a purpose, and all the pieces create possible gameplay opportunities. I have playtested this map a couple times with 8-12 people in its' alpha stages. Humans have a very hard time winning and getting to the safe house, just like I had planned. I wanted the safe house to have an overwhelming sense of accomplishment if you reach it. Overall, a very fun time. Plenty of screaming, yelling, and strategies being discussed. Posting here to get this map out to more people. It might not be original or groundbreaking construction wise, but I like to believe it's a fun, solid, efficient Infection map that would be welcome at any custom games night. Thanks! -VEF214