Hey guys. 1st thread in ForgeHub. I love forging and customs and this is my first step into the community I guess. I'm showcasing my best Reach work, The Ascent. What/where the map is: Omega Journey escape style map. Bash the obstacles out of the way while defending the rear from fast low health zombies. Built near the island in the water by the hanger, then reaching up towards the pinnacle in the corner. The Zombies: I went for an alien rather than zombie feel. There is no "fat kid." Zombies have good camo, weak health, no shields, Plasma Rifle and Energy Sword. Zombie ranged damage has been increased. I wanted to give the Zombies more gameplay options rather than just running head on into the guns of the humans only to die. Ranged harassment is coupled with stealthy, deadly melee attacks. Enhanced radar. The Humans: Human have no friendly indicators, no radar, normal traits, and usually low ammo. No armor abilities. I went for an isolated feel that relies heavily on teamwork. The map itself forces moments of co-ordination or else the human team can get wiped. Ranged engagements can go poorly for humans if they aren't careful and even death can ensue. Playing The Ascent: Death is fast and knowledge of Omega Journey maps and teamwork is crucial. The humans must divide their forces between guarding the rear against relentless attacks and making a path through obstacles, while providing cover for retreating rear guards. The map then opens up into the fresh air of Forge World and its entirety is shown. Long deadly pathways, man cannons, and backtracking finally lead up towards the cliff face to the left of the hangar. Some problem solving and exploration is required. An outpost is located there. This then teleports back to a previously inaccessible part of the map that was seen before. Zombies can easily ambush this part of the map if the humans do not exercise map control and containment. The zombies can easily jump to this part of the map while the humans must find the teleporter in the outpost to go there. From this landing pad, a treacherous journey up the pinnacle then arches into the sky towards the final safehouse, where humans can find more limited ammo and barricade the door if they choose. Zombies can access various teleporters allowing them to skip certain parts of the climb and lie in ambush again. Humans must hold in the safe house until the timer expires (if they get that far.) Plenty of hidden weapon locations and tricks are in The Ascent. Overview: This description isn't the best, and I'm sorry I don't have pictures. But I feel I had to post this not because of pride of making "a really cool map," but because of the constructive criticism I want to hear about it. The forging isn't the best, the structures don't look perfect, but they all have strong purpose behind them. I want to know what you guys think about this map after playing it, and I certainly will be remaking it in Halo 4 and hopefully make a highly polished, fun, rewarding escape Infection map with high replayability and good challenges for everyone... and then hopefully get it out into the public eye for everyone to enjoy for a time. Thanks! -VEF214 File Share Halo Official Site Bungie.net : Reach : Player File Share