Welcome, Gladiators, to the Arena! I made this map and its gametype for a friends birthday party and everyone enjoyed (apart from one, obviously insane person) so the map isn't that pretty (holes and wonky edges) but the map is really fun to play. The map: This is the arena, a small, multi-layered, symetrical room with lots of jumping to do. The main level: The Upper level: The main level (again): The lower level (and Grav ham spawn): There are 4 Gravity lift spawns on the map that re-spawn every 10 seconds and a Gravity hammer right in the middle which respawns every 2 minutes. The Gametypes: There are 2 gametypes to go with the map, Gladiators and Gladiator hill (a KOTH variant of Gladiators (duh)) In the Gametype Everyone has 2x Overshield, 50% recharge rate, Energy swords (no nades) and infinite ammo. The way this is set up means that you can survive a sword lunge (just) but a Gravity Hammer lunge is still fatal. Slayer goes to 20 points and KOTH goes to 100 points. The idea of the gravity lifts and the upper level is to: 1. Have a good vantage point of the level and 2. Have a place to hide whilst waiting for your shields to recharge The hill for the KOTH variant is right in the middle (the lowest level - where the Gravity Hammer spawns). I personally recommend the KOTH game because of the hectic atmosphere of it all! Video: [bungievid]113137997[/bungievid] The game in the video wasn't very good - all my opponents kinda sucked so I never had to go right to the top to hide for my shields to recharge. I also recorded a KOTH game but for some reason it's not on my file share :/ Download the Map Dowload the Slayer variant Download the KOTH variant Note: All games are FFA
Seems to be a more interesting spin on the usual 'gladiator' map. Most of those are circular, fully open maps. Yours has a high ground and low ground which should provide better gameplay than most of these maps. Its forged decently, pretty straight alignments but does not have much merging. The main reason this is a downside is because unmerged objects will almost always have a bump from when walking across them. After watching the video the gameplay actually seems rather fun. The grav lifts are an awesome addition, they add more chaos to and already chaotic (but fun) game. The grav hammer however seems majorly overpowered. Maybe if you played with some different players we could see if this is actually a problem. Next time your one we should get a bunch of guys and give it a go. The appearance lacks a bit. Its pretty much just a bunch of blocks neatly placed. Maybe some aesthetic touches could be made to give the map a bit more of a wow factor. Overall I would say download it and give it a shot. Although its definitely not an original gametype it is a unique spin from the norm. Edit: Just realized this could work well with Juggernaut, where the Juggernaut has similar traits to the Juggernaut gametype from Reach.
Yay you commented (I absolutely didn't beg you to *wink wink*). I've decided to make some changes to the lower level so there isn't any hiding (I'll do that soon) and increasing the RvR for the Grav Ham (Idk how that works but oh well). During that video was when I descovered that hiding spot. Before, you bought the Gravity Hammer up to the top and got only a couple of kills before you died. About using juggernaut - I do think it's a good idea, too bad I never played it on Reach :/