The Ancient Strand

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Tudormaestro, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Tudormaestro

    Tudormaestro Forerunner

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    The Ancient Strand

    Being an Old WoW player I set this Invasion map up much like a round of Strand of the Ancients. 1st Objective Bomb, 2nd Objective Bomb the wall, 3rd knock down a wall to capture the 'core' or titan relic. I created this map months ago and am now just getting back onto xbox live after my big move across country and thought I should share it so.. here we go:

    First Round: Blue uses a wraith to their advantage to try and plant a bomb at the first wall

    Second Round: another wraith spawns inside the small base intended for blue who tries to fight up the hill to their second objective. Red has Rockets Spawn behind 2 wall on back wall.

    Third Round: Blue tries to use the wraith or whatever they can get their hands on to blow up the wall of crates blocking the core capture zone, while red defends with whatever means they can.

    *Blue starts off in an 'alien ship' waiting 15 secs for portals to spawn, red should set up for initial attack.. as the enter game behind 2nd objective wall.
    *Red has Jet pack armor ability option until 3rd round in custom game. Use this to your advantage. Blue doesn't gain Jet pack until 3rd phase(to help with preventing a pinch point)
    Red has heavy weapons each round (Plasma Launcher 1st, Rocket and Sniper 2nd, Spartan Laser 3rd)
    *Most rounds you can change your spawn point if you don't like it, so be sure to.. a lot of the people who played this map failed to realize that so I'll mention it here.

    Overall this map was fun to make and I think I captured the jist of what I wanted to accomplish. I hope it provides a round of fun or two for you all.

    Let me know what you think~

  2. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like you might need a little bit more cover for the capture points, depending on where the defenders spawn or the capture time. Looks like a good map I'd like to see it in action. Also nice design on the walls and defend points.
  3. Tudormaestro

    Tudormaestro Forerunner

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    I set up 20 second bomb plants. I'm not sure how to incorporate any cover to the gate bomb objectives. Also when building this map I tried to incorporate destructible walls.. theres about $800+ left just.. i feel like im overcrowding with much more within the map
  4. PractiseCactus

    PractiseCactus Forerunner

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    I know it's been done, but I always love a good destructible wall. Also, the way you used the antennas to resemble wires coming out of the broken wall in an early screenshot was really creative.
    The bomb plant areas look really well designed. I can't wait to give this a playthrough.

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