No actually, you are no different. You give numbers that mean **** all. If you can't explain why you give a map a number other than "I liked this" or "I didn't", than don't bother giving a rating. Please explain to me how gameplay wise moonwaffle is better than sanghelios. If you aren't rating them both based on gameplay, since moonwaffle is more switch/aesthetic, it doesn't seem fair to say moonwaffle is better. I don't give a **** what you do honestly, but if you can't take the criticism, why are you allowed to dish it out? At deathstar, bias is bias regardless of whether it's all positive, or all negative.
Oh no... I rate maps on a scale of how much I liked them... no.... And if you don't give a **** you wouldn't post here. Annnnndd, it's not biased if it's fair treatment. Negatively fair, yet fair
I think that this thread should just be locked. Seriously. Im not trying to stoke a fire or anything, but you've created a thread of mainly people arguing and something that is contributing to the problems in forgehub. I know you arent trying to make friends _aj but you should really consider being a decent human being, instead of the next Frag Man. So to speak. Now if you'd excuse me, I'll be off to review another map that looks good and has a fair reputation. PS- I have nothing against Frag man. I dont know what the hell he does and I have no idea who he even is. He is apparently just the face of hatred lurking this forum. O.O"
There is no such thing as fair, everyone is biased. Review the coloreds who requested their maps to be reviewed. More specifically cave freaks. Than I'll have my consensus.
First of all; Hypocritical much? You are throwing mud on everyone yet when it is thrown at you you whine about it just like the people you are trying to appear different from. And you think you know exactly how to make the map better than the creator yet you probably only played 3 games tops on the map when the creator probably tested the map 10x more than that. You were also probably playing with mediocre players seeing as this is forgehub. This was probably one of the only things to make me giggle in this thread. Now: I agree this probably should just be locked. Your rating system is very flawed as you are only looking at the bad and not the good. I love an honest review and negative criticism as it is honest. But your attempts at making a review for the map fail as much as the humor you try to include in your posts. Your review is greatly flawed, not because you used a number scale, but because you show no evidence of any way you came to get that number. The correct way to review a map is to rate all aspects of the map as honest as you can. Ex: Weapon Placement: x/x Spawns: x/x Layout:x/x Fun/Gameplay: x/x Balance: x/x Aesthetics: x/x Overall Rating: x/x More Review tips Actually be Honest. Don't give all 5/5s just to make you look nice or awesome and don't give all 1/5s to make you look cool. Don't review if you didn't play (some exceptions). This doesn't mean trying to be funny by actually purposely making the map sound worse than it is, because if a map maker honestly wants to make their map better, they will read through the boring crap and find out how to improve upon it. Also don't make it sound greater than it is because that doesn't help the creator at all. It seems like you created this "review" just for entertainment purposes, and if that is what you are attempting then why in the hell are you writing map reviews as they are suppose to be mainly serious and informative so the creator can improve upon his/her map. also- Phreakie, I saw you get owned on a flag stop in a dudes montage on
lollollollollol so he did a bad review about your map get over it we all get bad reviews, maybe in his eyes it sucks dont get tight over it as ive seen you tear some perfedtly fine maps aparrt simply cause you dont like them
Go look in the dictionary for the definition of "bias" It means roughly "in favor to" or "to show favor for". When I said that people need reviews like AJ's that aren't bias, I mean you don't get a good rating on your map just cause you're a premium/mod/admin/colored. Most of the people so worried about this ONE persons reviews are those that would rather have there ass kissed than someone tell them there map sucks or needs work. In order to improve your future maps, you NEED to know what you're doing wrong. If that means taking a harsh review from someone then so be it. Stop getting your panties in a bunch.
Its neccesary to just lock this thread because the Review Hub will be up soon. We dont need someone trashing other people's maps when they are decent. And to Paulie, dont try to turn this whole thing around and blame it on me for giving bad reviews. I pride myself in taking time on them. chrstphrbrnnn, Matty, Lightsout225, Cr33p1ng D34th, eguitarplaya33, and many more.. know that I give a good review when it's neccesary. PS- Just because most of those names are coloreds, doesnt mean I'm "biased" A word that is quickly causing a large sensation amongst these forums. PSS- No im not a gangster kid. And leave me the hell alone. Theirs a reason behind why you arent on my friends list.
That is probably one of the dumbest statements you can make. You're basically saying since the Review Hub will be opening up soon, no members on ForgeHub are allowed to post on Map Threads without first applying to RH. By saying stuff like that you're basically strengthening his statement that people only pay attention to reviews by colors.
And you're a dumb ass for not knowing what RH is. Anyway, harsh critiques are fine as long as they are justified. I personally don't care what this kid does, since his reviews do not affect me the least bit. In fact, I get to laugh at his attempt of harsh and witty criticism.
and you sir, have just made a fool of yourself. In what way possible way does having the review hub up strengthen his statements about coloreds getting more attention? I post reviews all over this site, but the way I do them is decent and not a hideous review a single paragraph long on its faults. I have nothing against _aj. If he wants to go ahead and say **** off to every good map and person on Forgehub, fine by me. In the long run, think of the reputation he will get on this forum; he's basically aspiring to be the next frag man. This thread is causing commotion but not for the good. Its for the worst. The AJ Critique has brought out the worst in people and might as well be moved to the debate forum. It has over 5 pages of senseless fighting and if this thread goes on, who knows how much more will come?
I'd like you to review my map, Scyphozoan. I would love to see a harsher review of my map for once. I await you response... BTW - read the map post so you know how it plays first, kthxbye
I agree with you completely Paulie. Everyone here's getting "hurt" because either their map's gotten a bad review or they are opposed to the concept of showing a mapmaker exactly what it is that they've done wrong and not giving them any praise in between. It's the mindset of the time that everyone should be nice and give "compliment sandwiches" and crap with the negative in between two positives. AJ, keep up your work, no matter how much controversy it causes. If someone's too shallow and unappreciative to realize what value there is behind criticism, so be it. Move on. You needn't be fighting with those that continuously pester you whether their arguments are flawed or not. Keep doing what you do best (finding flaws in maps) and please don't stoop to the level of those that continously bother you. By the way, a lock of this thread would DEFINITELY be abuse of power. AJ has done nothing against the rules whatsoever. The fact that some of you don't like him doesn't merit reprimandation in any way, shape, or form.
I'll try, I have a lot of requests lately. Same goes to Insane, DeathStarsOG, and anyone else who requested When you say his, I hope you're not talking about mine, because I don't think I talk to much about that. I don't think I ever disrespected you or anybody in any way, besides maybe Whats A Scope, but I think we're cool now. In fact, one of my first posts was a short critique on your map "Sanghelios". I may have insulted you're map, but not you. Like Debo is talking about, you can't take a map review personally. In fact, in fact, you almost immediately replied with a PM entitled "retard". Now that might justify as a personal insult but a harsh map review probably wouldn't justify as a personal insult.. Oh, and Debo, TD, DeathStars, Insane, Soldier, thumbs, thanks for the support.
According to Soldier, you do. Yes. I am cool with you now. I still have a different perspective than you do when it comes to reviewing but there are no more hard feelings towards you. Im just srguing the fact that this thread is causing negative commotion and strong debate. And it deserves to be locked or something needs to happen.
In case you didn't notice, I haven't had anything reviewed nor do I care about how cruel he is. I 1)think the numbers are bullshit, and his reviews would be better without, and 2)don't believe he isn't biased. So what he reviewed light's snowbound map and gave it a low score? This means he isn't biased towards colors? What about the people who supported him? You don't think he's going to be biased towards them? Thats why I said I want to see his reviews of the people who requested it (TDH, insane) and see what he does. If they are legitimate, than I'll relinquish and tell him good job. I'm especially interested in the cave freaks review, and don't think I'm expecting an overstellar review. We'll see.
I don' think I "review" Cave Freaks but I'll give a more substantial comment than he's been getting. To clarify, are you calling me biased based off what you predict me doing? Oh, and, if this is locked can I still edit the first post? I want to keep the archives, purpose, and testimony thingys. And @ Phreakie: : ) Good to hear.
I guess my post got blown out of proportions... I guess I shouldn't have said colored, senior or well know probably would have been best. And if I'm not mistaken the Staff of RH choose who can stay in the Review Hub, and if you noticed _aj said "to much". He only mentioned it twice, I didn't expect you to blow it out of proportion.
OK guys, seriously stop. People who want their map to be reviewed are getting overlooked by all this debating. Aj, as you know I'm all for your reviews. You, unlike most of the members here download the map and followed game types. You play on it, and come back with you're feelings. No offense to anyone, but his remarks/reviews are almost 100% right most of the time. Now whether that being our opinion, or whatever, people should not look at his as a villian. I've addressed to him the caution of replies back to his on maps, seeing most people take pride in their maps (Theres nothign wrong with that). I for one could care less about the way he executed the review, and would rather take what he said and learn from it. Seeing his snickering remarks and such people immediatly feel rage towards his post, when there should be none. Hes rather trying to help you then offend you. I do suggest he makes his reviews a little more comfortable rather then they way hes going about it now. But since when is giving the faults of a map a bad thing? For one, I feel it great. Most reviews are so nice, and respectable, and really don't get to the point. His are straight to the point, and explain why. Now if you're a 'hater' of Aj, I urge you to look at it my way. I know its your map, and would rather like it be a suitable place for nice comments, but please do this. Take his offerings and consider them. If you can't get past his 'words' then I can't even see you living with other people. Stop looking at him as a bad user, and realize the facts. If someone were to do the opposite of him, how would that be hellpful? While reviews should cover all grounds, if someone just posted on the good things, how would the creator recieve any good insight on their map? And rather, why take Aj's opinion seriously if you feel that hurt by it. Every post on a map is that persons opinion. Theres no rule set in stone on how to properly review a map. Please people, listen to what I said and stop cluttering this thread with bickering.