reserved fer mine. All I need is this: 1 Color (RGB value please) 1 Shade (light, regular, dark) just pm it to me
ok finaly done hope you like, i messed with the layers and colours for ages but the c4ds and neon text goes nicely
I really like the direction you are going with those. If any one wants my vote, I would suggest doing something similar.
I will get to work on one tomorrow. You guys make the best maps. Any sneak previews on what you are doing next? Kthxbye.
A sneak preview is easy, just takes the letters and find what words could be made. suxORz? Ill let you decide.
Meh, whatever, it's not that big of a deal. The only thing I want to see is some amazing typography, which, no offense to the current sigs, I haven't seen amazing yet.
If you can give me a few days I can try to make an entry w/ text effects. I already started, but I haven't had time to finish it yet.
Here is my entry: It is basically just text, I hope thats what you were going for... I just did a quick flame effect and overlayed ABCrew in Battle Star Galactica font... nothing fancy. Also, sorry for the double post, but I figured that if I just edited my previous post no one would actually look back at the contest for more entries.
You could have edited your post and the sent me or Tex a pm. That way you wouldn't have needed to double post. As for your submission, personally, that's not what I'm looking for. I'm after something a little bit darker and a little less red. The others may like it, but it just doesn't suit me.