Did you know bugie is puting more new map packs out and far cry has a map editor almost like forge mode....Pluse the new GEARS OF WAR 2 is coming out in november of this year....madden 08 is worth the money but is funner on the PS3.NBA is turning out to be a great game but the shooters are taking over gaming as we know it.Halo wars is supost to be the best game in it class for 2008.Ninja gaiden 2 is going to be good if you like those games.Now if your in to racing may I sugest Burn Out Paradise one bad to the bone racer.Now from myunderstanding Too Human is going to break through with online play... I am running out of good games so I will say lago indiana jones is going to suck badly.....THANKS FOR READING MY REPORT ON SOME 2008 GAMES.
Don't forget about Grand Theft Auto IV. Battlefield: BC also seems like it will be pretty cool. Not sure how the destroyable environments will work. Spore is also coming out this year isn't it? For the PC, but still, it also seems like it will be fun.
speaking of lego games: I did not upload the image above, but the above image page was also in my copy of EGM. Click here for more information