Thats Hot Created by: AnF Ryan and iTz Flair Gametypes: Any Overview- Alright so we took the template for the template contest and created a race track for it. It's pretty simple, I don't really like it but Flair seems to. It's like a dueling dragons type of track so have fun! Screen Shots- Download- Halo 3 File Details Presented by- AnF
I just DL'd this really quick and raced on it, and I have to say that the track isn't amazing but it's pretty good. The dueling dragons concept is pretty cool, but the first jump on both tracks is fairly hard to go over because you need as much speed as possible to make it. Also, on the right track, the crane in the middle of the track really ruins it... I'd still have to give this a 4/5 though, because the rest of the track is nice and smooth, and I like it how you transition from the left track to the right track, and vis versa.
hey nice map. i like how its not all enclosed and one way. it lets you roam around and get off the beaten path. my favorite part is where you have to jump to get points.
I would have to agree with Master Debayter's comments, sometimes one of the jumps dosent work and the crane does get in the way but, what can you do about the crane I guesse? I think it's actually really smooth and is really fun to race on, and of course the creativity and aesthetics make it really stick out, so 4/5 nice job Ryan! (and me for assisting
Cool racing map but the jumps are hard the concept is cool and nice fusing and merging but it's nowhere near as good as quasar
did you not read the rules, you cannot block off the vehicles or grav lift, it was stated! looks smooth, but small. I haven't played it yet so i don't know how it plays.
I didnt block anyting offf dude get off my nuts omg! its a race track not a slayer map and there is no rule against it!
Good use of the template map. By the name of the thread though I thought it would be like a forged ***** like some other dude did lmao. But yea this looks like a really fun map cus its not all enclosed like all the others. Pretty cool how you get the points while free falling also. Oh and I think I played with iTz Flair in social or somethin awhile back.
I'm not on your nuts, i just stated. If you're going to enter this into the competition than it might not be allowed. Read the rules it states that you can't block it off, can you get to the grav lift... just saying, and where are the warthogs? im still not on your nuts. You MUST use the map I will provide you to download. You can NOT delete the objects I laid on the map, (You are allowed to delete the unlimited budget glitch stuff. not the map part) The map I built will be indicated from the pictures I will supply. You have 6 weeks to submit your map. (March 20th) You can work with a partner. You MUST include the template in your map. This means you can't block it off You ARE allowed to budget glitch the map, if it's a budgeted map. Your allowed to un-budget glitch the map as well.
That's crazy awesome that you used the template for this. It's unique, I wouldn't have expected it. You should expect to throw a lot of the judges off guard with this.
You MUST include the template in your map. This means you can't block it off Yeah i know your not on my nuts, OK WHAT IT MEANS BY NOT BLOCKED OFF IS THAT YOU CAN NOT COMPLETELY ENCOLSE THE AREA!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the last time I CHECKED! a player can walk through a shield door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS NO RULE SAYING THAT A WARTHOG HAD TO DRIVE ON A GRAV LIFT! oh and i turned off the warthog for the pics becuase of the gametype, but they are there dont worry lol
kk, you're a bit on my nuts, i know the warthog didn't have to drive on it... i know you can't completely enclose it, i just quickly flicked through before school, although i didn't think about the fact that people would want to hop off the mongoose and walk through a shield door, and i know spartan's can!
not to be mean but the name is kinda stupid i was thinking about not clicking. Its okay the interlocking is smooth but the map is dull and boring. 3.2/5 a v2 with a nice twist is good