Ahh, well I would ask, but it seems you have enough already =/ Well, I will be on the look out for good maps. The map testing forum is a good place to look. You know those have been tested. =]
Hey I like, no, LOVE your idea, Waylander, and would love to help out if you still need additional support. I wouldn't be able to help out the first two or three weeks because my xbox is getting repaired but after that, I'd be more than happy to host a party every week. Here's some food for though, too. How bout alternating between Saturday and Friday every other week? Or even hosting parties on both nights each week? I know I've missed a few of the past TGIFs due to sudden plans coming up on Fridays and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one suffering from this ill fate. Just food for thought.
This would be an awesome idea because it would help us little guys show off our maps! I would be happy to join! GT: AmercanPsycho