Remember back a few months when TGIF had the top 10 user-nominated maps in every room? We had a couple maps get featured as a result of that. I think this is a great idea, along these lines, but only if the maps get pre-approved. Is a nominating/voting process what you have in mind?
Basically, the weekend before TGIF, I start a thread for map submissions. People can post links to the maps they feel would be good to play, and then I go through them and see if any of them are outright bad. Other than that I hadn't planned but you bring up a good point, so maybe a day or so before TGIF I download the remaining maps and me and a couple other people go through and see if any of them have problems.
Cool, thanks mate. Goes without saying if you folks want to add anything it would help. I'm sorta playing this by ear lol. I know what I want it to be like, now it's just figuring out how to make it work.
Waylander, since I am sort of trying to help you out, and I was there when you gave the idea. Would it be possible for me to help you out with this. If its approved of course. P.S. This is .Core
I will start browsing the site for worthy. Then Ill send you a PM with the links. This all after the approval, of course.
I am going to totally warp this idea. It will slightly resemble the current plan. It most likely won't occur this TGIF, though.
Not a problem, just keep me in the loop. I still want the maps we play to be up to the community more or less with a few ones that I think would be great but aren't getting any notice. That's the whole reason for this idea, getting some of the less known maps that are great a bit more of the attention they deserve.
Wow, how in THE WORLD did you think of this? This idea is amazing, consider yourself advertised in my sig. I fully support this, +rep Waylander. I really hope your idea takes off!