When I See The Big TGIF on the front page I immediately sign up for it....I read the rules I put it in correctly and I wait....I've been in one so far and all the others I've been on the 'overflow' list. However, not too many people such as me do this....I do a quick scan at who the lucky bastard is to sign up first...I read what the have to say, and 9 times out of 10 it reads this Time You Are Sure You Can Attend (not what your suppose to post as Forgehubs most dedicated always do, is put the time in EST, now this is what I see....) Time You Are Sure Can Attend: ALL DAY MAN ALL DAY!(or words to that effect....) Now maybe I'm just ranting but this could possibly be the largest gathering of halo 3 members apart of a community such as this, and the rules are SO SIMPLE its nearly impossible to screw up... This is the sign up form: Sign up Form FH User Name: XBL Gamertag: Age: Timezone: report in GMT E.g: EST=GMT-5, CST=GMT-6, MST=GMT-7 and PST=GMT-8. Do you have a mic?:Yes/No Legendary Map Pack?:Yes/No Time you are sure you can attend:Report in EST Have you read and understood the terms of gameplay:Yes/No When I do a quick visual scan, I can go "yep hes going to be there, nope nope, nope, nope...yep...." just because of the one thing everybody seems to mess up on.... Now because everyone always messes up on this has come to my attention and I've summarized that the people who do this, just want to be in it forever and that they are completely open.. So here we are going to play a little game correct or not correct Sign up Form FH User Name:myfhusername(not anybody I am aware of..) XBL Gamertag:myxblusername Age:21 Timezone: MST=GMT-7 Do you have a mic?:Yes Legendary Map Pack?:Yes Time you are sure you can attend:4:00-whenever it ends..(or AL DAY MAN ALL DAY) Have you read and understood the terms of gameplay:Yes Everything checks out..untill the time...thats wrong so they get an auto "NOPE" and wait...whats that....the last one...they put 'yes' as their answer?...makes me laugh....had they read the rules and terms...they would have known they werent going to play this time... now what about this one.. Sign up FormFH User Name: myfhusername2 XBL Gamertag: myxblusername2 Age: 21 Timezone: MST=GMT-7 Do you have a mic?:Yes Legendary Map Pack?:Yes Time you are sure you can attend:4:00pmEST-1:00amEST Have you read and understood the terms of gameplay:Yes Now this one...perfect no screw ups..now the admins of Forgeday can actually figure out where to put them.... Remember not everyone lives in the same area...some live in australia where TGIF really is TGIS Saturday not Friday...so when the trigger happy all dayers post saying ALL DAY MAN FTW!!! Can mean TGIT TGIF or TGIS...its a real hassle to figure out to pm them saying dude when can you show up? so that’s why you aren’t on the list... Now I always put it in properly, and I always get into a party...alot, and I mean ALOT of people complain that they didn’t get signed up and that moderators get first dibbs.... the fact of the matter is they didn’t follow the rules and they got the boot. By doing this I am trying to help people understand that it is very important to read. There is even a small little link now at the bottom of the sign up form just in case you don’t know how to put your time zone in.... Report in GMT, your post will be disregarded if you don't! need help click here Taking TGIF 11 for example...I signed up, and I noticed alot more than usual had did the ol' ALL DAY gig.....lucky for me I guess...I also realize that the forum closes around 150-170 posts depending on how many people messed up....wouldn’t it be easier to only have the 150 spots perfectly signed up rather than 20-30 miss-signs and waste time that could be used to find more maps for these people, or have a life outside the gaming world.....people still post after 140 or so posts, proving my point alot of our fellow forgers know about the messed up sign forms.... I'm sure after this post many more will still go on posting like usual which is unfortunate for them but hey...we still have a chance to get in right? But hopefully many will read and see how to post normally and correctly after this and perhaps make it to more of these Forgeday's that everyone’s ranting about...so before you complain read and understand what your getting into because it might cost you that golden ticket to the forgehubbers parties..... Sorry for the rant just thought someone had to do it....
You know someone has to screw it up somewhere, so when they say yes to the rules, they didn't follow the rules with the time zones. I don't think you are ranting, you're just stating the obvious truth as to why some people don't get in. Learn to follow the rules, and BAM! There you are at the top of overflow, or even in a party.
i read/skimmed through this thread about 3 times and STILL have no idea what your talking about. maybe its cause i just woke up but.....im so confused.