TG:Omen Beta

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Shiluk, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. Shiluk

    Shiluk Forerunner

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    This is the first forge map. This also happens to be my first post in ForgeHub (Sorry if this is the wrong place, or way to post this).


    My map is still very much a Beta and is not all that impressive. It would be great if I could get some feedback on this map so I could improve on it.



    More pictures



    #1 Shiluk, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  2. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You are correct in that this is the wrong place to post this. You should post it in the Halo: Reach Custom Content section.
  3. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcme to Forge Hub!

    This is looking pretty good for your first map, although more screens would help us give better feedback. On first glance, though, I'd say it's a very interesting design, and has potential. I think if you added in a little as far as natural objects, just a few rocks in the more open areas, it would add a lot to the aesthetics.

    One thing that has me a bit concerned though, is that it looks as if there are a lot of ways of getting around up top, but few ways to get back up there if you fall/jump off. That may just be the angle, though.

    EDIT: Force, you realize that everyone posts their map previews here, don't you? Like, half of Forge Discussion is map previews?
    #3 ProtoFury, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  4. Shiluk

    Shiluk Forerunner

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    Thank you for the feedback, and the welcome.

    Currently the only way to get to the top floor is to use one of the lifts in red base, blue base, the tower or the room to the far left of the first picture. Im kind of worried about that too, but I think weapon placement might fix it.
  5. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Weapon placement may, but assuming one team decides to sit and camp the upstirs entrances, it could get annoying. I would recommend adding at least two inclined bridges/ramps/whatnot to get from the floor to the upper level, just in case. Besides, the more routes from Point A to Point B you give, the less chances that one team can cut another off from parts of the map.

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