My newest and probably my best racetrack. I do have a teleporter but there really is no other way i could have gotten the map back up to the finish. Thanks -oldmps Halo Reach racetrack 35: Teufel Achterbahn - YouTube hope you liked the video too.
This looks very difficult even though you may have said it isn't that bad. This aesthetically looks amazing. Hate to see what this looks like with a full 16 could only imagine. Well anyway nice job on this must have taken you a while to get everything to flow smoothly.
Nice job i really like the smooth jump through the braces at the beginning. Very fun map overall, with a side of difficulty.
Great map oldmps i love the jumps they flow really nicely and i can see lots of great ideas that were put into this map. I do have to admit that i don't like teleporters on race maps because it makes the map look somewhat rush but i think you did a great jump with making the teleporter hidden and you map the transition between the teleportation flow extremely well great job oldmps
When I watched the video you made I thought to myself " How hard can it be?" and when I played it, it's very diffcult racetrack that you made Oldmps. I liked the aesthetics of the racetrack. It's amazing! And I also liked the style of the map. You've made a very, very awesome racetrack. Outsanding Job! - EpICx ReMiX XD
Better planning? Lightning round: +Fun track +Very smooth +Above average difficulty +Consistent jumps -Second broken portion is a little rough; flipped three times in three laps -Minor FRL on S-turn before final jump -Final jump has poor landing 8/10