this looks really good so far, once this comes out ill definately download it i hate it though, your hiding so much, yes i know hence the name teaser but i can't wait to see the finished product!
Yea my bad. I hadn't realized it was a teaser. Teasers piss me off for this exact reason. Ace already showed me a little bit of it in game and i can't wait to see it done. I must say you guys have some pretty amazing skill between the two of you. Let me know when you need help testing. Ace said i could help.
This is a good map from the fly through I got in Forge the other day. The structures are cool. I didn't notice an eipcly large amount of Geo Merging but it isn't done yet so meh.
Have you ever seen a teaser before? They are allowed you know. Nothing wrong with them. What difference would it make if it were a preview. Just less people would be complaining about the pictures.
Im loking foward to this. I have always liked your forging skills ace of spades and hopefully this will surpass my high expectations of the quality of your previous works. When it is complete plz let me help u test it.
Tetra-who? You wanna like, come up with a name that actually means something for once? And is memorable? Anyways, besides the name, the map looks pretty interesting. Just be careful that this doesn't just become like the million other Asymmetrical maps on Forge Hub that are simply a bunch of disconnected structures. Most asymmetrical maps don't play very well because they feel scattered, and you can tell the author was just like, "Let's see what happens if we just build some random ****, and stick in a couple of bases! What a great idea!!" I hope that won't happen to you.
Tetradymite is an actual word that means "steel-gray stone." Source: And most of the structures will be connected in different ways, save the structure shown in the foreground of the first picture.
Whether or not it's a real word, the fact remains that not most people know what it means. Ever wonder why Bungie gives their maps really obvious names that actually connect to the map? It's so that people will remember the map/know what they're playing on/understand the fiction behind it. I dunno, I still totally think you should change the name. Then again, it's your map, you can do whatever you want with it. I'm just giving you a suggestion.
Valhalla Citadel High Ground Epitaph Guardian Heretic Rat's Nest Standoff ...all names I either don't know what they mean or they don't really connect to the map.
OK, High Ground was a bad example... ...If you guys really want more pictures, I'm considering putting more pictures up that reveal a little more of the map. Oh and an update for the map, Cerberus and I are probably about 90% done with the geometry of the map.
Great to see that its 90% done forging wise. Please post more pictures, even if they are just more teasers. I really want to see how this map turns out
The map is about 98% done forging-wise. We got a lot done recently. Expect to see the map ready for testing possibly over the weekend.