austin1serb gamertag: austin1serb user homepage: I need a "test team" for my map. Its this sweeeeet! Invasion map on ForgeWorld. 4v4 to 8v8 BTB. Uses most of the map up. I need a team of at least 20 people, and when im testing, im hoping that at least half of those people (8) will be online and ready to test. The only thing I ask of this team is that they do not play the maps with other people in other lobbys besides the ones i create for the purpose of testing. The reason i am not simply taking this map in progress to a CGN of some sort is because If someone find it cool, they will download it and play it in other lobbys. I don't want my beta versions of this map to be spread across the halo community. So everyone that chooses to join this team must must only play it in lobbys meant for the purpose of testing, unless told otherwise that the map is now final. With that said, who would like to help me test it? I am finishing up the spawns for phases and such. It will probably be ready by tomorrow (saturday, April 2nd) afternoon. If not I will host my first test lobby of the map Next Friday, 8 PM EST. and then I will forge it to the next beta build, and test the improved version with all of you on Saturday, 5 PM EST. GT: Austin1serb. Just add me This process usually takes about 1-2 weeks, and i usually have a kick ass map in the end. Roster for [Insert map name here] Test team. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
First off you'll have better luck with this "team" if you post pictures of your "sweet" map, and a description. Second, I dont think you have to worry about your map spreading across the halo community unless it's the most original thing ever, which I'm pretty sure won't be. Andif it somehow does spread, that's a good thing. Your best bet for testing this is to just put it in the TG. Good luck.
If you are interested, I am starting a group of tester's for an invasion night in the coming weeks. You can sign up in the Invasion Testing Sign Up thread in the custom's section. We won't have as many people, but frankly why do you need 20 if you can only have 16 at once. If you join the group we will play your map whenever the custom's night gets set up. I try to give very detailed feedback, and I will be happy to give it after the test.