For most gametypes infection slayer CTF KOTH Odd ball Piles of dumpsters catwalks and mazes of boxes the test subjects have done well with the supplies we gave them and then we introduced a new subject, the effect against the new subject was immediate and it tore the relationship the old subjects had, apart. The new subject showed power, rampaging through the makeshift house and killing at will so we helped them out this is like a bunch of ideas for a map, thrown together to get satisfactory results PICTURES Sniper catwalk Sniper tightrope, part of the catwalk, idea from SnakMGS4's Assassins creed map tic-tac-toe mario pipe(super mario has pipes at the ends of the levels that look similar) Ledge tower ruined jenga ransacked house box maze turret sniper boundary second way dumpster pile(it may look like i threw them randomly but i only threw 3 randomly) Campus entrance campus main hall (the names are what the scientists decided to call the subjects' creations for filing reasons) I suggest 2-10 people, but 10 is probably pushing it anyway please, like always, suggestions, rate it, etc enjoy Map = : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype = defaults SIDENOTE-i haven't tryed infection, but the way the map is set up, it seems like it would work fairly well. SIDENOTE2-The spartan laser in the sniper boundry picture is inside the wall, so its only there to piss people off cause they can't use it, and distract the less knowledgeable players.
nice map altogether! the dumpster pile is really random lol. there isnt that much cover though so you need to make a second one soon. also the interlocking (barely any) needs to be better
I cant tell if you trully thought this was a map, or if you were jus ttrying to get more noticed by posting, but this is not good at all, you just randomly made abunch of different items and unknowingly placed them through the map
the only part that really looked nice to me was the ransacked house. i think it was well put together to appeal nice, the rest of the map i felt wasn't too special..... 2/5
I made the map using some ideas i wanted to try, i filled empty spaces with new ideas, the whole time i was making it i was figuring "what would test subjects taken from the human world for years make if you gave them a crane and supplies" I actually like this map, if you watched my video on youtube you'd probably say i made a great improvement, and i have, this one is better then the 3 in my video, by a long shot
Well, it looks OK, but I can't say you put too much thought into it. The dumpster pile is more silly than funny or practical. You should remake this and think more about gameplay than aesthetic quality. (Which it lacks anyway srry)