Test of Knowledge

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by MattV01, May 24, 2011.

  1. MattV01

    MattV01 Forerunner

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    Hello Forgehub! It's been a long time since I've posted a map here. It's so nice to finally get back in the action.

    Anyways, Test of Knowledge is my newest map and my very first puzzle map. You start off in a square room with no hope whatsoever of escaping...or is there? 9/10 people that tested it, while in the making, could not figure out how to escape without assistance from yours truly. Congratulations to TheHatofWin for being the very first person to find his way out. "I want another room," says Hat. But he persevered and made his way out.

    Continuing on, for the next challenge, you must scale a wall you simply cannot climb or jump over. There's also more, but I won't tell due to spoilers.

    At the third challenge, and probably my most favoured challenge, you must drive your mongoose from platform to platform to escape plummeting to your death. BEWARE! I suggest before hitting the third platform, you bail. Take my advice or learn it the hard way. :)

    For the forth challenge, you gotta get your ninja on and leap from columns to a railing to walls. After you think you've past it, it get's WORSE. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN! (dramatic effect) Somehow you must make your way past a wall of fusion coils and a monstrous Kill Ball without dying. Maybe a grenade and a drop shield would help...

    For the fifth, you must gun it as fast as you can as you jump from rock to pillars and land on the platform at the end. Don't mess up, every second counts...

    For the next challenge, and the very last I will reveal, you have to literally drive up and down walls to get to the other side. Be warned cheaters, I don't suggest trying to walk the wall course or try leaping over it. If you do, you will meet yourself at dinner with a hungry Kill Ball, and he's not ordering the soup...

    Here's some pics of the map:

    Challenge 3

    Challenge 4

    Challenge 5

    Challenge 6


    To the platform!

    Bailed...and just in time!

    See you on the other side!

    I am victorious!

    Now, before I go, I must say...

    Will YOU challenge it?

    Comments? Any?
    #1 MattV01, May 24, 2011
    Last edited: May 25, 2011
  2. A Crazy Forger

    A Crazy Forger Forerunner

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    You must notice this is more of an obstacle course..
  3. MattV01

    MattV01 Forerunner

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    You sir do not know what a puzzle map is.
  4. D3vi1Boy

    D3vi1Boy Forerunner

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    Sir there is no need to insult this fellow. I myself have reviewed this map and he is right, it is more of a obstacle course then a puzzle.

    Here are some definitions of puzzle:
    - to confuse somebody by being difficult or impossible to understand
    - a game or toy designed to test skill or intelligence
    - a problem or situation that is difficult or impossible to resolve

    Your course was straight forward, there was nothing puzzling about it.

    So it seems sir, you do not know what a puzzle is.
  5. MementoMori34

    MementoMori34 Forerunner

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    Yes, a puzzle is a map that makes you have to think about what you need to do to progress. For this map, it's just laid out in front of you and all you have to do is do it.
  6. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sorry to say, but this isn't a puzzle. It is merely an obstacle course. Looks challenging though, Ill give you credit for that
  7. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I applaud you!
    I'll give the map a try but like what has been said it's more of an obstacle course by the looks of it. Maybe next time you come around try and go for the puzzle element more. But I can't give you any negative criticism unless I try this out, just don't be miss-leading I guess.
  8. MattV01

    MattV01 Forerunner

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    Firstly, I was not insulting him sir, I was just angry because he practically insulted my map.
    Secondly, your list is right of what a puzzle map is (even though option one and two are basically the same idea), my map is very confusing at many parts. Also, if you do not require a hidden object(s) at a certain part, you cannot continue any further and this with frustrate you very much (trust me, I know).
    Finally, insulting me on my manners is low "sir". So next time, choose your words wisely.

    Edited by merge:

    Thank you for being a true member of forgehub. Actually testing the map before making and positive or negative comments.

    Edited by merge:

    I must apologize for appearing like I was trying to insult you in one of my comments. For this, I am sorry. But a lot of this map IS a puzzle map (including the first room which I decided to leave its picture out of this post so the surprise wouldn't be ruined). I do admit that a few parts of this map are more obstacles than puzzles.
    #8 MattV01, Sep 8, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011

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