Legendary DLC Test Lab

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by X1BLACKOUT1X, Apr 13, 2009.


    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
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    Test Lab :viral:

    *NOTE* All pictures (except two) are taken at the brightest time on the map. This is NOT a copy of predator. Both maps were developed independently without knowledge of the other. Just noticed this is in the wrong section. Would somebody be so kind as to move this to the casual section? Thanks

    "When we first discovered the flood, a handful of spartans managed to capture one. We now know it to be an infection form and it spreads the infection. We began experiments on our specimen. We didn't really know what we where doing. One day it broke out and infection Prof. Steven. Turns out we enhanced it so it was near invincible. We had to kill it before it took over the lab." - Sam Tarson, survivor.

    This map went through a few betas before it's the way it is now in its 4th variant.

    10 Magnums
    4 SMGs
    1 Sniper

    1 Flare
    2 Tripmines


    The map gets more and more dark over time as shown in the pics below.

    It keeps getting darker for 30 seconds until you can barely see anything.

    The zombie breaks out of his containment after 30 seconds. Every 10 seconds it gets darker. People are white and the zombie is black. Work as a team and use equipment/weapons to win. Zombie is invulnerable for 10 seconds after going through a teleporter that takes him inside the map. This is to stop spawn killing.

    Easily defendable spots if enough people are present.

    Weapon Spawns
    SMG Spawn
    Magnums/Tripmines, Flare Spawns
    Sniper Spawn

    Random pics
    Upper middle
    Zombie spawn. A gravity lift spawns after 30 seconds letting it out.
    Zombie containment
    Zombie teleporter
    Inside zombie containment
    Lower middle
    Sword room

    Map download
    Gametype download

    This is my first time posting a map. If I forgot something please tell me.
    #1 X1BLACKOUT1X, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  2. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    I will change my post when i see some more pictures. I understand what you said about Bungie deleting your pictures so try to get them up. From what you said it sounds pretty fun. I like the small story at the beginning as well. I hope to see this post with more pictures in a little.

    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, They're up.
  4. waffle1313

    waffle1313 Ancient
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    IT looks okay you should make a v2 with more weapons and on a different map.
  5. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice job, using Blackout for a map. I like the progressive darkness. I also like the weapons on the lockers, creative.


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