Hello this is my new map and i called it terror i don't know why but it seemed good at the time my map is for basically assault, there is a certain one i play and it is this= Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing it is basic but fun and i play it on this map Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I thank my freind called Rezade99 and XSGX ASS455INX as for he helped me test the map to see if things were good. this is a view of the whole map The cannon man is very good help on this map it gets to you to where the plant is. this is where the plant is in the heli. this is where someone respawns. this is where some one else respawns, i put the teleporter node here cause of my friend. a lot of interlocking was in that part lol. behind the pallets is something secret. The next pics are of me and my friends playing it. heads or tails lol got so close but close isn't good enough lol. My heli no they destroyed it, NO!!! :'( sorry for the pics being small please leave a COMMENT on the map please.
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if you used imageshack, you have to copy the link from the bottom, not the top. If you used photobucket then i dont know
i agree that its a bit open for my tastes, but you have some very interesting structures and i think its very unique. my only complaint other than the openness is that the structures are all really low. the combat all takes place really low to the ground really, except the sniper. this is obviously just personal preference. i like high, middle and low ground to cover all the assets a map can have.
Interesting map. It looks cool, but the buildings seem a bit tiny. I get the feeling I would be running around a village for Santa's little helpers. I might suggest increasing building scale to add more cover and make the map seem less low. The sniper perch is cool, but I am concerned that the only approach I can see is the man cannon. If a decent sniper gets up there, anyone trying to invade his perch would get free brain surgery before they could say "Oh shi-". If there are enough medium to long range weapons on the ground, I guess the sniper would have a harder time surviving, but a second approach route would help even the odds between sniper and clay pigeon.
no there is another way to do it if you use the mongoose you can get in a secret place and get a grave lift to get there so it isn't the only way
it looks like a lot of spread out ministructures, but they are all constructed very well 6/10? I suppose I should play it first but my box is red-ringed.