
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rusty eagle, May 3, 2008.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This is a gametype idea that I have been thinking about in my confinement from forge and xbox live. The premise of the gametype is to have one team wipe out another team at the same time and then gain points for it.


    This version of the gametype would be closer to MLG style of play. It would be focus more on teamwork. Well, here goes.

    Inside the map would be a hill, however it would cover the entire map. Players from both teams would contest the hill from the start of the game. However if one team wipes out the other team within a couple of seconds then the uncontested points will be awarded once the other team is exterminated. Of course the gametype would have to be tweaked to account for respawn times and uncontested points.

    I figure that this could be played more stragetically then normal MLG games. As a team you would have to have a gameplan, coordinated fire, and so on and so forth. This could cater to highly aggressive slayer players.


    Okay this is what I originally thought up. Remember Albatross hill? Well if you don't then that's okay. Basically players rushed into mancannons to get time in the hill. Well I thought I could maybe make it more strategical.

    Here you would have one territory cover the entire map. You would have another one in an area only accessible by using mancannons like in Albatross Hill. So for the players that are less gifted in slaying and killing other players they could mindlessly charge forward into the cannon and go back and forth. For the players that like to slay they would be rewarded for killing their opponents just like in the KoTH varient and for taking control of the cannons so that only their teamates would be rewarded for the uncontested points. Again spawn times and such would have to be tweaked, well what do you think of the idea?

    Personally, I was going to make this in the Avalanche cavern. However you could apply this idea to any map with mancannons or make your own.
  2. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    Its seems to me (for the KotH variation) that as long as you kept one teammate away from battle, you wouldn't lose. The map for that vari. would have to be carefully made to prevent team from only sending 3 out of their 4 guys into battle, killing the other team's 3, and then nothing happening, and not being able to the find the last guy in time.
    Besides that though, I personally love this idea. The above could be used as a legitimate strategy as long as it wasn't over-powering.
    I could see some really intense (sword, for example) games where everyone on each team dies except for one, and whoever loses the one-on-one loses the match.
    It would probably take a lot of testing to figure out the perfect timing for re spawn that gives the winning team enough time to kill the rest of the team while not too long.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I don't quite understand the Territories setup. But I'm not too sure about the KotH setup. For example, it would be much easier to earn uncontested points if it's a 2v2 game than if its a 5v5 game. But it would definitely make you think about who is dead and who is alive. Is it worth it to rush out and try to kill the last two people on their team, even if you're the last person on your team?

    But this setup would give you the opportunity to play around with advanced respawn settings. I believe you can make it so players stay dead until their whole team is eliminated (but maybe not). And you could possibly make the hill cover the lower half of the map but make people spawn in the air so they aren't contesting the hill for the first second or two after they spawn. Just a thought.

    Anyway, sounds interesting.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    The KotH idea is very interesting. I get what you mean with the co-ordinated fire, because all your team would have to kill all of thier team at the same time to gain some points, which would require alot of strategy, to know where they are, and where they are heading.

    Obviously a map would have to be made specifically for this, it would have to be fairly simple, and im guessing pretty confined/open so there arnt many areas to hide.
  5. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    You stated my exact apprehensions about it. So, I am going to the drawing board on this one. I am going to try and recreate the same 'flow' that sewers had to keep movement alive and constant. I also have to make cover and yet not be campable or where players can hide. Basically I kink of have to pull off a forge miracle to get this gametype perfect. While alot depends on the gametype, I have to make it universal for other forgers out there and the map has to be designed for multiple gametypes. Again this will take a miracle.

    I could use rounds as well. I don't know it will take a lot tweaking and map development.
    #5 rusty eagle, May 3, 2008
    Last edited: May 3, 2008
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Shield doors, and lots of them. You could see the enemy but not kill him.
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    You know me better than that. I can't just take the easy way out. I have to be meticulous and make this into a great map. I could also play around with SWAT varients, that would be quite interesting.
  8. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    I love the KoTH idea much more than the terriories. I did not enjoy Albatross Hill as much as the other maps around here.

    If I may suggest one thing on the KoTH gametype, it should be to set to respawn on sync so that when a player dies he doesnt respawn right away and he would have to wait for his other teamates to die for him to come back in. It would also allow for a guarenteed time period where you can earn uncontested points.

    #8 Maxwell360, May 3, 2008
    Last edited: May 3, 2008
  9. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    I think the first idea sounds great,

    here is an idea that would fix the one person hiding problem:

    Make it so each player on the team gets 1 point per second, then uncontested it 10 or something higher, this would make it so if u killed 3 of the people on the opposing team then they would only get 1 pt per second until they all respawned.
  10. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Your KOTH gametype was what I had originally wanted to do with Bunker Hill, except that if one team had less players (ie; killed), the team with more players would slowly gain points. I didn't work though, as even if one person from the other team is inside the hill, it would be contested.

    I'm not quite sure how your territories plan would work, though - if you stay away from a territory long enough, doesn't that reset the capture bar?
  11. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I just realized what would solve the player hiding problem, and it's so obvious that I feel stupid for not thinking of it earlier: enemy waypoints. That would give the game an incredibly intense tone.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    But if you play with too many players the Map will be filled with waypoints. Just a little downside.
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Well I am taking your suggestions to heart. I see what I come up with. I decided against rounds because you could just make slayer with rounds. Anyways I will playaround with it.
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I made a map a while back where I used a similar KOTH setup, only it was made as a FFA variant. The hill spawned in the last part of the game, encompassing the entire pit area of the map which had limited cover. The map itself wasn't that pretty, only my second Foundry map, but the gametype was a lot of fun. If your interested in looking at it to get ideas, PM me and I'll give you the link, Rusty. Always happy to share, especially knowing you could probably make it better.
  15. halo00178

    halo00178 Ancient
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    um the ideas are good but im not sure if u posted in the right form?
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Yes its the right forum. He cant get onto his xbox so he is just opening up the idea for discussion.

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