When I first started playing Halo, I rarely had lag problems. But as of late, I can't participate in any game of any type. The lag is stopping me from being able to playtest with other players and simply play any of my maps. I also can't do any TGIF's because of this bullshit. I have comcast internet with a WRT54G-TM Linksys Wireless router. The computer's internet connection rarely has problems, but the Xbox live connection is constantly shitty. I'm starting to think it's just the area I live in that is causing the problem. Almost all of my friends that live by me are having the same problem. Anybody with any ideas, please help! I'm sick of wasting away in foundry making maps that I will never enjoy...
Do you have wireless? I know you said you have a wireless router, but I was just wondering if you have an adapter for your xbox, I actually have the same router and mine workes perfectly fine, even though I'm not running off wireless, whenever my neighbor comes over he uses it and it bnever lags, just wanted to let you know that I highly doubt it is the router, incase you had any suspicions about it, but I'm sorry I don't know whats the matter with it exactly.
Well no offense but i've heard comcast isnt the best.If thats not the problem try not to be on the internet or something while your playing.If that doesnt help why not call 1800-4MY-XBOX or go on xboxlive.com/support or something that tells you how to connect to live.If that doesnt help maybe call your Internet Service Provider (ISP) up and maybe they'll send an agent to your house to check out the problem.
Alright thanks a ton to the both of ye. Yeah comcast is a dicksucker quite often, I really think it just works terribly in my neck of the woods.
Comcast works great for me, as long as i dont cause too much traffic. Comcast is known for throttling its users. But that shouldn't happen with XBL.
=\ Yeah I don't know what's my problem. Does anybody know of a good help forum or site that deals with these kinds of problems?