Terra Sanctum

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xl faybian lx, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. xl faybian lx

    xl faybian lx Forerunner

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    So, I started this map a couple of weeks ago and have worked pretty efficiently on it. It started as a Pit remake and has progressed into a complete redoing of The Pit, both esthetically and in basic feel. When you first look at it you may think "oh just another pit remake" and you soon discover it has its own soul. Most of the map sees major changes to the basic effect it has. Have fun and any critique you have be honest I want it.

    4 DMR
    4 Needle Rifle
    2 Plasma Pistol
    2 Sniper---2 minute timer
    1 evade-1 minute timer
    1 rocket--3 minutes
    2 magnum


    This is being hosted in my brother's fileshare at Godrick X.
    If someone could maybe do some testing and get back to me about how it performs, as I am out of live and can not test too well. :|

    Longside view 1
    Long side view 2
    Bottom Orange View 1
    Bottom Orange View 2
    Top Orange View 1
    Top Orange view 2

    Any critique at all please tell me.+
    Download Terra Sanctum
    #1 xl faybian lx, Mar 23, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2011
  2. mortedarkness

    mortedarkness Forerunner

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    I downloaded your map and spend some time running around see what needs to be seen and here is my short list of ideas to help you out.

    1. Space your weapons out more, your DMR's and needle rifles are too close together, and two of your needle rifles don't work. The two on the bench-like objects.
    2. More weapon variety. If only because the more different play styles you have running around your map the more fun your map will be. Some people are comfortable with just precision weapons and want to get up close and personal when the need arises.
    3. More grenades, and farther spread out. Even if it's just one in every other hallway, it helps wear enemies down while you reload.
    4. Check your sight lines. Run around with the sniper rifle and every 10 feet or so, zoom in and look around. If you can predict or more importantly, direct players to certain spots or paths, your team's sniper will have better luck picking people off. That said, reverse roles. Don't make it so open that the non snipers don't have a chance. Balance is key. For every sniper post, put something near that will cause havoc for the sniper. A grenade, a fusion coil, even a barrier he can't see around, all will help.
    5. Color code your bases. Seems dumb, but will help with team call outs if there is a visual reference.

    Other than that, your map is shaping up well. I like most of it, a few things, like the grass, I would take out, but that's me. Beyond that, it is very similiar to the pit, even up to the weapon placement and will be a blast to play on once complete. Good luck.

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