Infection Terminus

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Prwnd, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Prwnd

    Prwnd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Terminus Created by Prwnd

    Map Download Link:
    File Share Halo Official Site

    Gametype Download Link: File Share Halo Official Site

    Map Description A flood map which takes place on an abandoned space station. The map has Juicy and Colorblind FX on (not shown in pictures), to make it difficult for the humans to see.

    The flood however, are camouflaged and can see much better in the dark, helping them to hunt the humans.

    To balance this advantage, the humans will be able to find Promethean Vision armor abilities
    hidden throughout the map, in addition to one spawning as ordinance in front of the human start.

    The map consists of a central room with two wings branching off on either side, connecting to each other on either side of the main room. The humans spawn in the main room and can choose to go towards either branch, and the flood spawn in the room with the broken roof.

    The central room (Human Spawn)

    A look down the left wing

    The broken bridge (above human spawn)

    The corner of the right wing
    An overview of the map
    Please note that this map was made a month after the release of Halo 4, but still has not yet been tested, and I would be very thankful to anyone who can help me test it and tweak it as needed.

    Also, this is my first official map post, so if there's anything I can do to improve the quality of the post, please let me know.

    Finally, thanks to GrenadeGorilla8 for taking a look at this map for me a few months back and giving me feedback.
    #1 Prwnd, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2013
  2. IrontMesdents

    IrontMesdents Promethean

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    Looks pretty good buddy! Do you have a download link?
  3. Prwnd

    Prwnd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I suppose that would be useful :p


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