Terminus Description "Viva La Revolucion" An asymmetrical map with a somewhat symmetrical feel to it. The idea was that the theme would be an uprising and the last stand would take place on some water treatment facility. The map was designed with Assault in mind but it plays well with any one-sided game-type. With multiple routes reminiscent of Highgrounds from Halo 3, flanks and a team effort to push ahead are necessary. Weapons 4x DMRs 3x Needle rifles 1x Shotgun 1x Plasma pistol 2x Needler 1x Grenade launcher 2x Sniper rifles 1x Rocket launcher 6x Plasma grenades Pictures Path to mid and splits towards the water Red spawn Entrance to blue alley Blue spawn and sniper Red base Top mid Other half of Terminus Bridge spanning from sniper spawn to mid Nice over view of Terminus and blown up Falcon in the beginning of the match Blue alley Tunnel under mid with shotgun Middle Red alley Backdoor entrance Bomb's destination
you know what... i really like this map. The layout is very cool and I'm loving the placement of the map its self, utilizing the water