
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SufferedCoder, May 30, 2009.

  1. SufferedCoder

    SufferedCoder Ancient
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    Hey there, this is my first post and I thought that since I've seen a couple Left 4 Dead maps, I'd post the one I made a couple weeks ago.

    My map is a remake of the chapter "Terminal" on Dead Air. It's part of an airport that's been overrun by zombies. I've eliminated the back hallways on the second floor due to object limitations so instead of building a saferoom on the second floor to spawn the humans, I just made them spawn where the fence crashes directly underneath where the saferoom would be.

    Weapons list for humans:

    Battle Rifle-4x
    Frag grenade(pipe bomb)-2x
    Medkits(Custom powerup)-4x; They spawn in increments, one at 90 secs, 120 secs, 150 secs, 180 secs. They don't respawn so save them wisely.

    The gametype details:
    Weapons:spawn with a magnum
    Player abilities:Damage Resistance-150%; Damage Modifier-100%; Motion Radar OFF; Regular movement and gravity; unchanged color.

    Weapons:ALL spawn with assault rifles. The rest of the weapons for each type of infected are under the according pics.
    Zombie abilities:Damage Resistance-150%; Damage Modifier-100%; Motion Radar ON; Speed-125%, Gravity-75%; Zombie Color.

    On to the pics! All pics taken WITHOUT the gloomy effect to show better detail.

    Human Spawn

    Zombie Spawn (Roof removed for pic)

    Back Area

    Top Balcony

    Common Infected(20 spawns)

    Hunter-sword(10 spawns)

    Smoker-camo/sentinel beam(10 spawns)

    Tank-overshield/gravity hammer(1 spawn)

    Witch-overshield/dual maulers(3 spawns)

    Recommended to play with large parties to get closer to that "Left 4 Dead feel"
    Gametype-Left 4 Dead
    #1 SufferedCoder, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  2. SufferedCoder

    SufferedCoder Ancient
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    comments please
  3. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    Looks like a okay map - some good interlocking and stuff ...

    I might download later.

  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Don't say stuff like this.

    I honestly did not play Left 4 Dead's Dead Air level, but this map looks pretty good for the gametype specified. I like the weapons and equipment you have for the zombies, but I do not understand what the "10" or "1 spawn" statement under the pictures.

    Also, the traits seem okay, but I do NOT like the fact that they spawn with Assault Rifles at all. Change that to something more realistic, please.

    You probably could have explained this map better, or showed some more of the the map, like the inside of the safe room...

    But this looks alright for now. I have no way of personally testing it, so the opinions on gameplay will have to come from those with that ability.
  5. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    this simply means that 1 zombie will spawn here out of the total
    the one with 10 will have the most people. etc. its just a way of setting the class and making sure not everyone gets the tank or witch.

    i honestly really like your ideas here. great job with this. i like how you got all the zombie types in there (except boomer... correct me if im wrong) also the idea with the smg's works pretty well for the zombies (i think) since in the game your always getting rapidly attacked. thats my opion ;)
    but then you have that problem with zombies being able to attack from afar.... but then again the humans are probably camping in a close space.... haha

    the map seems a little bit open...which i guess the one in L4D is too
    but i can tell its a lot like the L4D level just from your pics.

    great job. i suggest you make some more L4D based maps since your pretty darn good at it.

    with the teleporters do they all go to the same tele? or is the hunter tele set to go out on the roof tops and so on with the other types.
    #5 FryTheSly, Jun 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  6. SufferedCoder

    SufferedCoder Ancient
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    Thanks for all the great comments I've received! There's nothing better than putting hard work into something and seeing it get appreciated.
    Every teleporter that the infected spawn in go to one of the four receivers to randomize the spawns. Also the infected spawn with smgs not assault rifles.

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