TERMINAL 1v1 DOWNLOAD Terminal 1v1 is a symetrical 1v1 map. Terminal is the smallest 1v1 map you will ever see that still works and plays great Terminal has three floors, on the top floor there is a mauler on the middle floor you will find 2 symetrical bases in both bases stored a needler to take out whoever dares to go for the mauler. and on the bottom floor there is a single box in the middle of the floor to add cover also 4 spikers ( 2 on each side) 2 plasma nades and 2 spike nades with 2 different drop down points. and if you want to camp down there make sure you dont go near one of the 4 exploding fusion coils cause you wont be camping for long = ) Terminal requires strategic thinking and is a fast pase map where you will always have your head up even in 1v1. WEAPON LIST (1) mauler (2) needlers (4) smg`s (2) assault riffles (4) battle rifles (4) spikers (2) Plasma rifles (4)plasma nades (2) spike nades (2) fire nades Top Floor Middle Floor Bases c Under the bases( path to middle floor) Bottom floor
Ahh! you posted it great job I liked this alot as i can see your starting to get into forge hub more! Dude we should hang out sometime Whats your phone number again I lost it
looks nicely interlocked! also it has the color coded bases which is good! nice job! this map looks very nice!
lol Ri_guy538@hotmail.com mail.com go on and ill tell ya too many creeps on this site = ) lol jk i love you all
since you are new here i am going to tell you that the name terminal was already used and it was put into the front page. that aside this map does look like a great 1v1 map and good job on the merging and geomerging it looks very neat
lol yes, but the map makes up for the name just like the other terminal, this map is very clean and looks like it plays well.
this map is well rounded, and has a balanced feel to it. The three levels of combat provide a unique experience everytime, and theres few focused hotspots. Rather, we fought all over the map. However, i have to disagree with you about being the smallest map with good gameplay. ive seen a few smaller, with just as good, if not better gameplay. it just seemed cocky to me. GAMEPLAY: 4.5 ASTHETICS: 4.5 DESIGN: 4 LAYOUT: 4 ORIGINALITY: 3.5 OVERALL: 4.1/5
looks like a great map and you must have put alot of thought into this one. PS: w00t NOT 1st post!!! XD
This looks very small, and the name Terminal is highly unoriginal.. On to the Pros! Lol, other than those two things, the map looks fantastic. I see a ton of great interlocking, and love how you color coded the bases with the overshields and all the other stuff. Nice work man! -MattDGiant
looks pretty good, very creativ and detailed, ther doesnt seem to b any major faults, so good job looks very fun
dude nice map um not really much needs to be done to it maybe the wepons could be difrent or placed somewhere else