There was a ancient city forgoten by time, it hides misterys and traps inside of the forbbiden city of the Gods. By zhixet at 2010-09-24 Teotihuacan its a map based on a existing place in Mexico for does who don't know it. this map support almost every game type in Reach. it contains frag granades, sniper rifles, jetpacks, DMR, Spartan Laser and alot of more stuff inside This map takes place in the section of the canyon Its a little similar to Bloodgulch but with a biger bases, a temple, a secret area and wepons. This is the map: By zhixet at 2010-09-24 By zhixet at 2010-09-24 The Pyramid of the sun is the red base By zhixet at 2010-09-24 The Pyramid of the Moon is the blue base By zhixet at 2010-09-24 The Temple, it can be use like a base or a Sniper nest but if you are spot in there i recomend you to escape from the temple By zhixet at 2010-09-24 also there is a little pyramids around on the map with some useful wepons to your carnage, also there is a JACKPOT for the combat around there, use it well... By zhixet at 2010-09-24 for team battle there are plenty of vehicles at your disposal but if you want some lone wolf combat only there will be Mongoose and ghosts (i think LOL) I desing this map for team combat specially CTF games, it supports to 16 players for your fun. so here is my first map on reach AND my first post in the Forge Hub community, only 4 days in forge, NOTE: if anyone notes a error, or something that ruins your gameplay PLEASE!!! tell me to fix it and make the map perfect for your gameplay. once a again thank you for your interest and have fun with it.
The map looks good BUT, its just to similar to the original Blood Gultch (i dont remeber the reach name for it). If you want to make an impression on people you must have somthing very original. also use the direct link were it says "forum thumbnail" so your picture comes up when browsing thru the list.
Good idea, but you should maybe make them on a different area in Forge and try to stay true to the pyramid's shape, because yours are knid of cut off at the bottom when they should keep going, and the pyramids are also tiered, with little indents made for people to catch their breath. I'm mexican as well, I've been to Teotihuacan :] If you need any help PM me.
It looks good. It really looks like Teotihuacan's Pyramid of Sun, Kinda... Though the map looks really open gameplay from what I see works as well as Hemorrhage's gameplay as it follows more or less the same base structure. Nice for a first map!
yes i notice that it looks like another hemorrage but with pyramids, but well i will think to do a sequel to this map, thanks for the comment