******NOTE******* I did not make this map but, i loved it... so i reposted it... TENSION Tension Halo 3 Foundry Map Game variant: All GAME VARIANTS How many players does it suit: 2-14 The Story Marangu Shipping Facility Report This shipping facility was the 2nd smallest out of the 78 major shipping warehouses in South Africa. No one saw this coming at all or at least this soon. So why the hit on such a small facility? The Marangu or 'Coca-Cola' trail route was a low-quality high-traffic route on Kilimanjaro, but was turned into a small crate shipping facility and warehouse supplying marines at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Marangu offers relatively low scenic variation which meant it was perfect for a shipping rout because it offered no way of ambush and it is largely up and back on the same trail. When the Covenant started digging it was one of the first hits they made to cut off any supplies these marines on higher ground were receiving. Eyewitness account: Matt Marbrey Engineer I remember that morning walking into the warehouse near the water pipes on the west side and smelling something I never smelt before, Marangu Point is for the most part bare. It’s the same few trees, brush and rocks and I remember thinking maybe a pipe had a leak. Of course now I know I was just meters away from the brutes and jackals that hit us. They came in fallowing the pipe lines and accessed the main warehouse threw the teleporter that lead to the belt engine room. Eyewitness account: Geoff Cooper, Colonel, grade two They took the belt engine room first, took it out with a hammer I think by the looks. A few jackals took higher ground on top of the downed conveyer belt and waited for the main shipment doors to be opened. When the locks where broke, two brute choppers rolled in for support, one was immediately destroyed when a marine under the control tower fired a rocket. That was when all hell broke loose. One of our snipers took more than a few brutes out from up in the control tower but was finally taken down by a jackal sniper, Our resistance didn’t last long, my marines where out numbered, I made the order to stand down knowing that we couldn’t win the fight at hand. The brutes locked up all the remaining soldiers and engineers in Side B. Only six hours went by and the marines on Kilimanjaro came to take the facility back. That battle lasted only two hours. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 245KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 219KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 216KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 273KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 213KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 195KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 185KB. The Map Enjoyment: Some may think this is a Bungie original from the video alone and pics, but it’s not. Tension was created by “the whyher” with remarkable attention to detail and mind of the game as it plays out. Tension is not only fun in every game type but it has a look that unifies the level as its own level. It is hard to say in any foundry map that you forgot that you are playing in foundry, but Tension can make you say that. Balance: The map is symmetrical, no balance issues. Equipment, power weapons, long distance weapons and close range weapons are all in very good spots meaning no weapon or equipment balance issues either. What’s in a name?: Tension, The name Tension came from the overall balance of the map itself. From one base to the other there are many lines of tension connecting the two symmetrical sides. To name a few; stairs to stairs, turret to turret, base rail to base rail, the back hall way, the mauler platform, and the downed conveyer belt in the back. That’s not all, then there are some that run parallel with the bases like from plasma pistol wall cutout to the back conveyer belt and the large sniper tower to, well anywhere. Durability: I believe there is one spot to escape from the map, but to do it is more than unrealistic in any game, and extremely hard because of the level barrier at the top of foundry. Because of the weapon placement, weapon-whoring really does not exist. This map is very durable. Aesthetics: Phenomenal. The interlocking is awesome, the railing is creative and is a first that I have seen. Placement of the brute weapons near the downed conveyer belt and the out of use chopper add great aesthetic touches. It has a look all its own that fits the story too. Scenery objects like barrels or pallets are place neatly and spread across the map. There are fusion cores in the back hall on their side’s that are just placed perfect that give yet another aesthetic touch. Very simple, perfect object placement and detailed, tightly put together larger objects(conveyer belt and belt engine room) are used. Originality: The layout of this map is great. It is a symmetric map which of course has been done before but you can’t get knocked for that and most are not this good. The geometry reminds me of different levels. Midship in ways, being it has two bases with a center and different paths(belt and hall), on each side to get to the other base. The plasma pistol areas remind me of jumping up to get them in H2 Turf, and the main stairs on each base remind me of the original HCE Hang em High, carrying a flag up them you are dead man walking and just praying you don’t get tagged. I loved that part in Hang em High. The fencing used as railing is a first I have seen in a map, and it looks pretty cool. The way the level was designed and pulled together is original in my mind, I have never seen a shipping facility with its own conveyer belt and the sniper tower/rocket hole is original as well. Overall: You will love this map, and will for sure be keeping it on your hard drive forever. Everyone needs to download. Thanks for the time. Some Cool Stuff... If you are at the top of the conveyer belt or in the belt engine room you can still hear the back up engine still running... check it out! Marangu trail, the name and description of it on kilimanjaro is real. It does exist. You can fire through the fence walls but sniping through is not always a sure thing so dont be too made when the shot bends. Rockets of course can not go through the fence walls but did you know that zero splash does aswell. You can be touching the fence wall on oneside and a rocket hits the other and have no damage or splash damage. No nad jumping! The fence railing is at the right level so you can not nade jump in too the base. There are more than just the 2 ways into the bases. There are the main stairs, the teleports, and one more. The crate near the the flag side of the each base can be moved by a nice nad or rocket and the jump from center platform or mauler platform to that lip can be made. Its a hard jump but can be made and used well in flag and bomb. DOWNLOAD TENSION Check it out... Subject: BIG 5, with a master index and rating system! Every map rated, MUST SEE!!! 2. Tension by: the whyher (96 out of 100) Omg killer map! Really fun to play on, really pretty, really creative, really pro! There are two smooth bases and tons of weapons placed strategically over the map. Scenery is also very well placed making this map a good replacement for your average everyday multi-gametype map.
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