I nearly... cried......I got to the point.. where... it almost... makes me sad that we will never see as good of post ever again..... Can I ask you whyher to make Promo's for my maps... ....because what I saw in idea ... when you said in game shots with brutes and marines..was so less than what I saw today..... O ..f.... it...I am .. now... because the map was really good when I tested it... and .... w/e.... if he is cocky...find out whats wrong with his map first... don't tell him to edit...till you kick him down from what he said... just wait...
No, very easy to destroy, very easy, toss a nad at the fence behind it. Dunso! they are very easy to take out... almost useless because of the fence and its placement, if your in base try taking the teleporter to the hall or grab the BR in the base, it will help. Thanks for checking it out. I hope that helps you next time you get in that stick spot.
To be completely honest, I could care less what you think of your map. It doesn't help you and just makes the map look worse because the map should be good enough that it brings in the rave reviews on it's on. With that said, it looks good, and the post is awesome outside of you hyping your own map.
thanks guys! knight kninja, I would say flag, bomb, then slayer and hill... Its not mods, just editing. Tex, ur not suppose to care about what I think, its only there to help explain the map. Everyones post says the samething about their maps pretty much, (ex: lot of time spent, balanced, weapons spread out, clean, very fun, download.) Something like that, I just said it differently. I just did the explaining in review form and not paragraph form. Guys read the posts B4 to know whats going on so we dont talk about the same stuff. Thanks for the love. I love you too...
Got this baby queued at the moment, while try tomorrow. Hopefully I can get back to you with some input unless you would like to play it with me tomorrow?
Would love to but will not be home, I will be back monday, I wouldn't be on tell late, like 1am on the west cost. If your on then for sure.
I have Spring Break this week so yea I will be on then. Ix Cr0ok3d xI ---if you want to add me. I will be on then.
I read the whole post. It really doesn't help "explain" the map saying things like, "Some may think this is a Bungie original from the video alone and pics, but it’s not. Tension was created by “the whyher” with remarkable attention to detail and mind of the game as it plays out." Or, you saying, "You will love this map, and will for sure be keeping it on your hard drive forever. Everyone needs to download, hope to see it featured. Thanks for the time." From those quotes, the only thing I get out of the map is you think your maps are Bungie good, and you advertising your map for a download/feature. I don't have a problem you "explaining" your map in a review form, but there is no need for the pretty talk on your own map. If the map is good, the downloads will come. Good post, good looking map but you lost me the download when you started praising your own map.
I'm sorry you don't understand what I mean by its in a review format. What normally happens in a review, the reviewer will explain the topic and give personal opinion as well. Some of it is explaining and some is an opinion. That is obviously an opinion, the second part of your quote, and the first part is a fun fact. If anything it "explains" the fact that a lot of time was spent on the map. I hope that helps. thanks again... Chill Out Tex...
I love the fact that you think so highly of your map.. and I'm glad you praise it the way you do. It's obvious you spent an enormous amount of time on the map and the ensuing post. Considering you even used the ambient noise of Foundry and incorporated it into your map, not to mention the video. What's to say about the video that hasn't already been said. Personally, had I created all of this, I probably woulda hyped it up even more. My props to you and your work.. Haters will hate, but I say if you got it flaunt it.. **thumbs up!**
Well I played 3v3 and 5v5 slayer matches, so maybe that's why. They had sniper and turret early so it got tough.
With the introduction to add to this map, I think it's fantastic! I can actually reconize the scenery. Really good job! 5/5