Tenochtitlan By luckiesnipes GT: Mis7er Chief History Lesson: Tenochtitlan (ten-osh-tit-lann) is the Aztec capital city. It is an island. The aztecs built many roads to carry massages across. I thought this would be a appropriate name for a map because of the spanish conquest with the aztecs and this is a conquest map. (yes it is for the competition.) Story: Throughout all the ruins an old Aztec messanger road still remains in which a conquest will occur once more. Description: This map has 5 territorys. 2 right outside the bases, 2 by the exits to the hallways (a deadly place for crossfire) and 1 right in the middle. Forgeing: The asthetics are pleaseing just not in mass quantities. In the hallways you see a sign A & B merged and if you are an good geomerger you'll know doing that is almost impossible. They each took about an hour of tweaking and at least 20 new games. Weapons: 4 BRs 2 Spikers 2 Snipers 6 plasma rifles 6 spike grenades 2 plasma pistols Layout Map pictures Base (I tried to use the barriers for a more ancient look) Hallway (sniper only has 1 clip so becareful) Territory 2 The crossfire area makes terrirory two harder to capture for both teams Center territory Nice trophy shot Exit from hallway and escape route from crossfire Other view of exit (looking out) Ancient Structures in fence box The Creator Poseing with his incredibly hard to merge sign DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD CONQUESTv3 ENJOY
Post fail. I really like the design of this map. It reminds me of foundry tunnels (in that it uses the back hall in a good way) and it looks amazing. I'll definately DL and get a game on this. I love conquest. =)
yep, just brag why don't you! this map looks wonderful, aescthetics are great, although it seems rather small, but that's fine, i definitely prefer this to maps that are too open yet not open enough, like aperture, great map and all, but it doesn't feel good for me... but yours feels different, and i like it
THanks I really like to change out the size of my map like if this isn't right for you my signiture has a list. If your looking for big nice vehicle maps choose Relegation or cross section. For small 1v1 2v2 pick recoil and rat race is like a medium sized conquest map.
This map reminds me of one of the first things I tried to pull off. I didn't make it work. You did. The crossfire idea is amazing as well. I think it is possible to escape though. With the right techniques a buddy jump could ruin the map. That's a shame. Other wise I love the idea. Good luck in the competition.
looks great but sorry im not going to dl just becuase i dont like CTF that much but it looks great!~~~~~~~~~~~