---Temptation 2.0 on Alleyways 2.0--- By Packnight501 A remake of Halo 3's Alleyways map variant and Temptation game types. Intended for red and blue teams of 4 on 4, but can support 2 -16 players. Alleyways is a tiny and basic Z shaped map designed to focus all players into one small skirmish. Temptation is a 1 life 10 round slayer gametype that spawns all players with two random weapons rigged for instant-kill. The Original map variant Alleyway* from Halo 3 was designed for the gametype Airsoft (author unknown). I was messing around with some other gametypes at an xbox party a few years back and we tried a gametype called Temptation** on it. The result was an incredibly addicting mix that kept us entertained for several consecutive games and has now become a common gametype we always end up playing. "The original Temptation gametype from Halo 3 was designed by zxwarrior. **The original Alleyway map variant was designed by CBerry86. I only claim to have re-made these files in Halo Reach to the best of my ability. I do not claim these as my own original ideas, but as inspired re-imaginings. Just making that clear for any legal reasons or whatnot... IMAGES: The main Hallway directly connects the two spawn rooms to ensure every skirmish is short and focused. The identical spawn rooms offer no cover to campers who try to wait it out. This is INCREDIBLY fun with a group of friends! Enjoy! Map Variant: Alleyways 2.0 Game Type: Temptation 2.0 Please contact me if you find any faults in the map build or if you have any suggestions as to how I can improve the playability.