Temple WIP

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by htownb4lla, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. htownb4lla

    htownb4lla Ancient
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    The trials and tribulations of learning by yourself has come to fruition.

    Unfortunatly Im just starting for V2 of this map, but i did want to get some screens out and a little bit of feedback from the community. This is my 3rd forge project, and while I learned things like interlocking and geo-merging in my first and second foundry maps. Sandbox opened up a whole new play ground to me. Personally, I would rather use it than foundry because of the limitless potential of all 3 tiers.

    First off, when I started I knew *how to interlock* but not why, a hard lesson to learn when you are nearly completed and you start playing around and things are not to your liking. (grenades bouncing thru corners most notoriously as an example) Next, and this is the biggest part of my reason for needing to reset all the objects on the map. I didnt know about the limits bungie had placed. (not getting those items removed for objective and respawn items) While I can get a finished map within the limit after i made my own canvas, so much more can be tweaked if I had those precious spots left.

    So without further adu, a little eye candy from v1. I give you Temple.

    The main playing surface. We have a symetrical map, focus of the map being the center structure. This ruined temple, houses several choke points and rewarding for those that reach the top first. (fuel rod main power weapon, increased delay in respawn for balance purposes). Grenade layout is frag/plasma. each base contains 2 br's, 1 plasma pistol, 1 power drainer, 1 warthog (chain) 1 mongoose.


    Next we have a side view from center, this offers more of a view of the middle structure. Breaking down the 2 structures infront of each base, we have the rocket launcher spawn (4 wedge corners with a piece placed upside down over them), then across from that is the double box w/ scaffolding. v1 housed just a br and grenade, however im moving the sniper teleports to here to improve gameplay from there current location in the middle of the map. I chose a rocket spawn for each side to help combat the warthog (along with the symetrical power drainers). This should prevent hog base camping for the most part, however the fuel rod is the main power weapon housed in the center of the map.


    Moving right along we have the center view of the middle/main structure. First look draws you right to the overshield placed above the hole that leads to the crypt. The hole is open and this does allow for access into the crypt, will get into that in a moment. Back to the middle tho, we have a very tight complex set of "alley"s seperating the two main chokepoints in the structure, this opens up in the middle allowing for intense br fights not only from you're front. Elevation and angles play a key role here. The teleporters here(other directly below outta view), are being moved to each teams respective scaffolding. This leads to the sniper rifle and solves a balance issue by moving them.


    Upnext, we have that mysterious hole with the overshield floating over it. That leads to a very unique design trait of this map. The as I call it "stargate" effect. (I actually am not that big of fan, but my brother was when he was alive and avid halo gamer. This is a small tribute to him.) As you drop you free fall for a moment thru each of the rings, its been tested several times to make sure they are spaced and placed well enough that you cannot get out and break the map. (stuck outside gameplay) However, I did proved a small nook on each side for a player to get back into the map (placed behind teleporter so droping into the teleporter is the only way back in). Each side has a teleporter that shifts you back to your home base. Apon finally arriving at the bottom you will come across the flame thrower, located directly at the bottom of the drop and definitly fun way to clear any followers in hot pursuit.


    And finally we have the sniper locations. Which I shouldn't really have to say much more than, that was waaaay fun just getting to the sniper spot. Very little cover up here for the sniper, however he's at such a range/angle advantage. This allows for a small sniper shootout at the start of the map, the winner has brief cover over the map, the looser not so much. Each platform has a return teleporter that leads to directly behind the opposing base, this makes for interesting objective gametypes (ctf/assault).


    And thats Temple folks. Playable gametypes will be slayer / team slayer / ctf / assault / koth (koth plays really well). Thoughts, concerns, questions all welcome. I've put a lot of time into it already, and v2 is shaping up to be a much "Smoother" version of it. Thanks all, enjoy the eye candy.
    #1 htownb4lla, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009

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