The forces of honor, death, and light are reunited by the discovery of an ancient temple built in honor of the great warrior god Kah. Warriors who find themselves within its walls have been blessed by Kah to do battle with the strength of the Gods! Kah's followers were no stranger to sacrifice and often threw men, women, and children alike into a portal to the abyss created by Kah himself. It has been said that those who pray to Kah will be blessed in battle and shall have the agility of the Gods themselves. Take up thy sword, fight for honor, and make a sacrifice to Kah with the heads of your enemies. 2-16 players to the death. Download Temple of Kah here Temple of Kah is best played with this game variant description: Each player has three lives and swords and the "Blessing of Kah"(a.k.a - special attributes) 5 rounds of 5 mins Score to win the round = 3 screenshots: Temple View Ground Floor Inside Top Floor Inside -note the sender nodes in the floor will kill you! push your friends off and make sacrifices to Kah! Winner of the match will be known as "Champion of Kah" until he/she is defeated! Have fun and enjoy!
[FONT="]Welcome to FH! I see that this is your first post. Just keep this up and you will be on your way to a great career in map making. Use these links to get help on your next map, or, to just get to now ForgeHub. How to post - [/FONT] [FONT="]Click here[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Canvas Maps - [/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Click here[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT]
really nice backround story well thought out (lmao i remember kah from yugi-oh )but i would download but mister u have to embed your pics! do that and you will get an epic download number
welcome to forgehub catdaddykool. sword fight to the death in a temple, i like it. nice interlocking to. and the sacrifice pool is a neat idea. good job
A temple, eh? I was working on an Aztec pyramid temple a while back. I didn't post it though, as I had no idea how the community would recieve it.(it lacked interlocking) I guess I'll just keep tabs on your post instead. Thanks for the pioneering and the great examples.