This map is great! I downloaded it and loved it! Very nice work here. I love how you flipped the boxes you used as wall it creates a unquie look to the map nice work!
Nice Looks like a really good map. I like how you did the interlocking on the main base part with the upside down bridges. I'll have to download it and test it out for real:squirrel_jaffa:
i gots this off my mates f/share i really like it we played wipe 'n' snipe it is really good it makes me smiley face =)
This is a very cool map, i am definetly downloading it, i like how all the power isn't in that one structure and you made the map extremely visually appealing. I would give you a 4/5 Kudos
this is probally one of the best looking competitive maps ive seen so far(if its a competitive map) im dling
if you deleted the stuff in the middle and did some editing you could have a great baseball stadium oh and love the map great interlocking 5/5
I've heard alot of responses along these lines, and don't want to criticise people's views, they are completely entitled to them and whether or not your enjoy a map is a matter of personal preference. But can I ask what it is about the gameplay that some people dislike so much? So many people have said the gameplay is bad, or boring, but haven't actually given any explaination. Are there sections you think are pointless? Weapon placements you dislike? What is it about the map that you actually don't like? Its helpful comments like these that can actually assist me in improving the map, and I'd rather as many people enjoyed the map as possible, so please tell me what needs improving instead of just condeming the maps gameplay.