Temple Nights v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pegasi, May 13, 2008.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an update on my first map here, posted a couple of days ago, called Temple Nights. The changes were made based on suggestions on this forum so thanks! The grenade jump issue has been well and truly fixed (unless you can prove me wrong) and another structure created around the outer walkway. As a result of these changes, the outer wall is much taller, and spawns and weapons have been moved to suit the changes and based on advice.

    This map has now been featured, the featured thread is Here

    The main structure remains the same:
    Its 3 levels, bottom is walled, middle is pillared and top is open. 3 entrances, middle and right hand are pillared walkways accessible from 1st floor and to the left is an open door with the water feature outside.
    The view from the back of base changes with the larger opposing structure:
    The main new feature is the smaller base around the outer walkway, changing the flow of the map for the better, this new structure offers opposition to the top of the temple:
    again 3 levels, on levels ground and 1 there are entrances at the front and either side, with holes and platforms linking all 3 levels.
    This base is similar to the larger one in that the bottom level is covered, the middle has interspersed cover from the window panes and the top is open, this base is smaller but balances the map well.
    The mancannon has gone as the structure made it redundant. Weapons have been adjusted for the new base as well as spawns. Thanks alot for the advice and feedback on v1. It really gave a good impression of the community how well people responded to my first post here. As requested, here is a screen shot of the yellow/A sign side:

    Map has been updated to v2.1 (the filename is v3 because I didn't have enough space for v2.1 and wanted to differentiate filenames for mine and others' convenience) with very slight structural work, nothing noticeable really, just an extension of the fountain structure.

    Temple Nights v2.1 Download (Slight fix, latest)

    Temple Nights v2 Download (Featured version)

    the old map is still available at:
    Temple Nights v1 Download

    and the old post is:
    Temple Nights v1

    Key weapon spawn are as follows: shotgun is under the walkway on the yellow side (pictured above) and another on top of fountain. Sniper spawns underneath the smaller base. brs inside each base and at each staircase. Equipments are on the two walkways and inside the smaller structure, invis in back of the temple.

    Weapon List:

    Format is: no of weapon x weapon name - respawn time - spare clips (unless N/A)

    Main Structure:
    Ground floor:
    2x Battle Rifles - 30s - 2
    2x SMGs - 30s - 2
    4x Frag grenades - 20s
    1x Active Camo - 180s (symmetrical only)

    1st floor:
    2x Carbines - 30s - 2
    2x Assault Rifles - 30s - 2
    2x Spikers - 30s - 2
    2x Spike Granades - 20s

    Yellow side (pillared walkway side):
    Ground floor:
    1x Mauler - 60s - 2
    2x Plasma Grenades - 20s

    1x Magnum - 30s - 2
    1x Plasma Pistol - 30s
    1x Power Drain - 90s

    Fountain side:
    1x Mauler - 60s - 2
    2x Plasma Grenades - 20s

    Central Pillared walkway:
    Ground floor:
    1x Bruteshot - 60s - 2

    1x Plasma Rifle - 30s
    2x Needler - 30s - 2
    1x Bubble Shield - 90s

    Smaller Base:
    Ground floor:
    2x Battle Rifles - 30s - 2 (1 leaning against each set of stairs)
    1x Sniper Rifle - 120s - 2
    2x Spike Grenades - 20s

    1st floor:
    2x Battle Rifles - 30s - 2
    1x Shotgun - 90s - 1
    1x Deployable Cover - 60s

    Top floor:
    1x Magnum - 30s - 2
    1x Plasma Pistol - 30s

    Map has been reset again (sorry for all the changes) but I decided to set this map up for One bomb, One flag and territories (all types). I've really reached the item limit for this map now as I had to delete objects just to put the attacker/defender objective spawns in, so the glitch is now broken (I think, I'm not too good on this and anyone willing to explain exactly how glitches work in detail-what happens if you delete etc. then it would be really appreciated) The downloads have thus reset to 0 again, but it was at 19. Please download this final version if you liked the others as objective games are really interesting on this level, especially territories. And please rate on bungie and here, I like to know if I'm doing well or missing the mark.

    Please post your comments as advice is readily taken.
    #1 Pegasi, May 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  2. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dang looks even better than the original and the original was pretty damn good
    i like the stuff added to the wall very nice
  3. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks Cool...let me restate that...looks REALLY cool, I will play it and give you some feedback, can't wait to play it. What gametypes do you recommend besides slayer?

    ....But can people stop doing the water gimmick? Honestly, it doesn't help gameplay, and all it does is make it easier for people to camp.
  4. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great! I love the wall of Double Boxes! DL'd! Great Work.


  5. trogdor orl

    trogdor orl Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, i just posted my first map, and seeing yours, kinda make mine not look to good =/ that just means awsome job on the map!

    again sweet map!!!
    #5 trogdor orl, May 13, 2008
    Last edited: May 13, 2008
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Trippy map. So confusing but cool
  7. FreakyPenguin5

    FreakyPenguin5 Ancient
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  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why did you say dang, are you upset that its better than your maps?
    map looks good, but a few areas are very bumpy
  9. jpatt94

    jpatt94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like that took you a long time. Good job!
  10. unit538

    unit538 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great! can't wait to try it out.

    my only concern is on the 6th pic the fence walls seem really rough and bumpy.

  11. provomit

    provomit Ancient
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    i DL the old one and played it but if u made a V2 of it i will DL this and try it out
  12. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I missed the first version, but this one looks pretty awesome! definitely worth a DL and a look...keep up the good work and keep on forgin!
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This does look like its the case but infact the surface is very smooth. Walls are actually pathed flat all along their sides, even though they have those funny barrs running up and down them. But the pathed surface of the wall is actually placed at the level of these bars, not of the majority of the flat wall, so the transition between the fences walls the the walls is actually very smooth. I hope that makes sense. Aesthetically it is not perfect and the angle this picture is taken from makes it look worse than it is, but the angle is best for demonstrating the inside of the smaller base and so I went with it. There is a slight bump between some panes inside this base and that it something I'm working on, will be perfect soon.
    #13 Pegasi, May 14, 2008
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  14. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very cool you definitely my dl

    i wish could do that
  15. SargentKrusty

    SargentKrusty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree with a few other guys. It looks really cool and well done. My only concern is the smaller base. The floor in the second level room looks obnoxiously bumpy. That's always a really hard thing to fix on maps. Good job though. Your map looks awesome!
  16. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    I really like the buildings you've made. Nice work on those.

    I get the feeling from the screenshots however that I am not seeing all the map. I know there are two structures in opposite corners, but the two corners aren't shown. What is to the left and right of this screenshot? Are they empty?

    You should add some info about the weapons and equipment also.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screen shots have been added/changed and key weapon spawns given. Thanks for the feedback, I'm still getting used to how to make useful posts with the right information
  18. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Ill dl v2. I played the first and it was a great map, just really easy to get out. I like you how fixed it, but still keeping the original feel. I like how you used the backside of the boxes too, not the smooth side like most people.
  19. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice. I personally like the little waterfall, it looks cleaner than most. The bases look intricate too.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sweet looking map
    nice interlocking

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