Sandbox Temple (KotH)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by AustinGuess08, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. AustinGuess08

    AustinGuess08 Ancient
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    Full view of the map.


    Red Spawn


    Blue Spawn


    Ground Level and Assault Rifle Respawn


    2nd Level and Battle Rifle Respawn


    Tunnel Through the Middle on the 2nd Level with a Rocket Launcher in the Middle


    3rd Floor and Weapon Respawn (Left-Brute Shot) (Right-Mauler) (Middle-Needler)


    Energy Drain Respawn


    Bubble Shield Respawn


    Left Tunnel Shotgun Respawn


    Right Tunnel Shotgun Respawn


    Top of the Hill. Plasma and Spike Grenade on Every Block.

    Map and Game was made by only me. It only took around 30-40 minutes to make. I may make a better version soon if people ask me to.

    Link to Download Temple : Halo 3 File Details

    Link to Download Get2TheTop : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 AustinGuess08, Jun 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  2. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    Ive always wonder when someone was going to do a map like this. you did a fairly good job too. At the top level on both sides there are tube ramps that look like they would make game play a little sketchy. Also you should do some merging to make the map look nicer too. There might be way to many grenades on top of the kill too so you might wanna lower the number of those. i give this map a 3.5/5.
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    This would've been one of those one starred maps, if it wasn't for the fact of your weapon placement. While it's not the most professional way to set them up, I guess you can get a lot of fun by the way they are now. Especially the top floor. Props, its a simple map, but it looks okay to mess around on.

    UND3AD POW3R Ancient
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    couldn't you have blocked off the sides where you can't go around it? im jsut wondering
  5. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    It could use a lot more. I like what you have, but there is no aesthetic feel or real theme to the map. Maybe you could build up a base for each side, add red/blue lights and columns, and just spice it up a little. The weapon placement was great up until the crazy nade spawns on the hill. Try making the gametype so that those in the hill have grenade regeneration.
  6. AustinGuess08

    AustinGuess08 Ancient
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    I am in the process of adding some things on to it. i just wanted to see if people liked the idea. I already have grenade regeneration when inside the hill so im going to take the grenades off. me and my friends just like chucking nades at each other. i was thinking of making bases for the two sides and i guess i could make it a little better looking. ill try to finish it guickly and get a V2 up.
  7. Demonic Bunnies

    Demonic Bunnies Ancient
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    The bases might be a good idea, seeing as how you have no cover when you spawn and the enemies are above you with infinite grenades... Nice map though.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Its a good map and concept, although it has been done alot. I would have built more of a map around this, I mean what you have here looks ike a good centerpiece and i know what you were aiming for although building cover and and an actual map for funner gameplay would be better. Also i would have used merging in some part, as it looks a bit bumpy.

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