Template Contest Submissions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr Pokephile, Feb 14, 2009.

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  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This thread is for Template Contest map submissions.

    • Please make sure you follow the rules and guidelines for posting, outlined here.
    • If you have any questions, ask them here.
    • If you'd like to discuss your map with others please do so here.
    • Download the template map here.
    #1 Mr Pokephile, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2009
  2. bikerboy117

    bikerboy117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    bikerboy117's submission
    Halo 3 File Details
    the map is small one sniper tower and one base[sniper tower and base are seperate]
  3. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    AnF Ryan and iTz Flair, Presents: Thats Hot :D

    Halo 3 File Details


    So, we took the template and made a race track, there was no rule against it!

    #3 RK The Beast, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2009
  4. Jorgy411

    Jorgy411 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, i have been working on this map for a while now, and i think its the best that i can do. :D I've also made a different thread if you wish to see more before downloading, just Click here.

    So here goes...my map i made for the template contest.

    First off, i'd like to point out that this map is completely symmetrical, so both bases have the same things. And since i'm limited to only have three pictures....you'll just have to go to the thread i made to show you more pics.

    This picture shows the warthog spawn and the gooses spawn as well. The shotgun is still in the same spot, but i put it in its own room, as well as invisibility is also in the shotgun room. on top of the shotgun room is where the rocket spawns(inside the caged base in the center). If you follow up to where the ramp leads you, you'll end up on the BR platform. However, that platform is all caged, so you can get shot from any direction(you've been warned).

    In this next picture, as you can tell already, theres alot going on. Its a mini-base for one of the two teams. On the main floor, there is a little armory of weapons, which include two SMG's and two Spikers, as well as two BR's. Now you must make your way up to the second and third floor by jumping on the platforms to the left of the mini-base. On the middle floor, is where i put the Needler(risky move i know...considering the size of the map).On top of coarse is where the sniper spawns, and a cat walk to a better but very open sniping perch. I put fusion coils that spawn every 10 sec to prevent a sniper from over powering too much. its good to get a few kills, but eventually someone will caught on, and kill the fusion coils either killing the sniper, or sending him/her flying w/o shields.

    Here is where the main base is, and also where most of the team will spawn. I've loaded with 3 BR's to both sides of the map. In the long open box on the left is where the plasma pistol spawns. on top on that box spawns 2 plasma grenades. on the steps to get on the middle sets of boxes spawns a mauler. On the left part of the pic, is the man-cannon strategically placed to where it shoots you at the center towards where rocket spawns. I also used the back of the map, even though you cant tell here, i have put a bubble shield and a brute shot in the back of the base in the blocked off hallway. Also, the is Overshield in the hallway along with two plasmas.

    Now you might be asking "What did you do with the gravlift??" Well, since it spawns at 90 sec, i really tried to think of something cool. And this is what i came up with: Once 90sec has passed, there will be a singular base that also spawns in the center after 90sec of game play! Ya thats right! A WHOLE BASE SPAWNS!(be careful if you tearing it up with a warthog, you dont want to be inside the cones once it spawns, or you can say "bye bye" to your warthog along with yourself) Once the center base spawns, there will also be a Spartan Lazer that spawns on top. There is also a regen right next to where the gravlift spawns along with 2 plasmas on each side.

    Done. That was my map! Let me know what you think either in here or in the other thread i made for this map with more pics. again you can find that thread HERE.

    Download Enclave

    D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is my map for the template contest. I have an open arena with a big bowl in the middle. this map supports king of the hill and slayer variants and works better for teams. each of the main bases have 2 mongooses,1 warthog, and 1 gauss. at each small base there is a ghost, chopper, and beam rifle. in the geomerged box is the sniper rifle. there are hills in each base, the bowl, and at the grav lift. i truned the wall structre into a little base with shield doors which supprisingly has promoted some fantastic gameplay. here are some action shots on team king.

    here is the overview, the grav lft hasn't spawned yet. there is the side ramp to the bowl, and the main base. the pallet there is a special one way door i made, it is easily bypassed and doesn't always work but it is still cool.

    here here is bowl shot, this is the main hill point, the grav lift is the chief entrance point but those who take the side ramps can usually get a few extra kills since people forget about them. in this picture, the red guy on the edge of the bowl assasinated both of them while they were distracted by me.

    here is the grav hill, the grav lift boasts some interseting play. one time, my friend got on it by accident, it saved him from being assasinated. when he came back down he killed two people on the other team and took the hill.

    here is the download link: Halo 3 File Details

    We have also had a lot of fun on slayer but i forgot to save the pics so the king of the hill pics will have to do.
    #5 D4RK 3NCRYPT3R, Feb 21, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  6. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It has been a long while since I have submitted a map. Fortunately this contest was a real good way to get back in the groove of forging. I have always been fond of forging symmetrical maps although it was an immense pain in the posterior most of the time. But it's good to be back Forgehub.


    Dialation. Yes I realize now it's misspelled (Dilation) but I think I like the unnecessary "a" in the title. Is a symmetrical map (go figure) with two bases on either side. The map takes advantage of almost all parts of foundry excluding the white rooms in the back. The front of the map is mostly open area with the exception for the center structure and the shotgun area. During symmetrical games, the B signs are as is in the photo above. In asymmetrical, the B signs take a break and two fence walls are placed so there is no juggling from base to base with a straight away.


    On the opposite side of hog is the rockets (on each side of course) but only hold two shots like Standoff. Also in the center of the back hallway is Active Camo to persuade people to actually go back there and keep gameplay all over the map. Also makes a nice rush at the beginning of matches similar to that of The Pit. There are mongoose in the single open boxes to the right. In slayer they are pretty much deemed useless, but if it's an objective game, they might be the better choice of transportation over the hog considering the better manuverablitiy.Also the teleporters send you to the center of the map. If you spawn by the non existent rockets and need to get to the fight fast, that what you want to take. But be warned they're one way.


    Bases are as shown. There are entrances from all sides so camping might be a little hectic if you find frags bouncing in from every which way. Flags spawn on the ground in front of the bridge shelf as well as bomb plant points. Bombs and players spawn on the shelf (assuming it's a two team variant).

    This map is made compatible with all gametypes, but, though no matter how ironic, asymmetrical gametypes (One Flag specifically) work best. If multiflag is played, better make flag must be home to score otherwise the game will be over fast than you can say Flag Dropped.

    After taking a long break from forging, it felt good to make this map. I know I'm not the best at taking screenshots of a map, but go ahead and download it if you want to take a better look. But wait, there's more. I'll give you the weapon list. No download required. Their location not included.


    Battle Rifle x4
    Carbine x4
    Spiker x2
    SMG x4
    Shotgun x1
    Brute Shot x2
    Rockets x2

    Regenerator x1
    Power Drain x1
    Frags x4
    Plasma Grenades x6

    Thanks for your time and best of luck to all contestants.

  7. Midori Shinju

    Midori Shinju Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is my first completed map. I've done a lot of forging with my friends and have uncompleted maps, though this is my first one that is ready for game play. This map was made with the warthogs in mind and is best suited for larger team slayer matches.

    History: You might wonder, as many of my friends have asked, why did I call this map Abbigail? Normally I would never have done that and come with something more...mappy? This time was an exception. Yesterday morning, my dog passed away. She had been sick the whole week I worked on it and I named it that in Memory of her.

    Abby: August 5th 2004 - February 21st 2009


    The map has three cornerstones.

    The tower, which can be accessed from the side with a grav lift on top of the single box, or by using the grav lift in the floor to shoot you into the additional grav lift. You enter through a hole to reach the room where laser is waiting.

    The second main space of interest is the center room which houses the rockets. This room can be reached from a simple jump or two from the tower, or from the bridge which runs from either side of the map.


    The third is the arch, which is located between the two hogs. Within the open double box is a power drain and below was the default shotgun. You can access the area using either of the two wire spools against the double walls.

    Additionally, there are two hallways on either wall each having a top and lower half. They provide good cover from walking from the back to "bases" to the hogs. From the top internally hallway there is an open access to the center bridge.


    Hope everyone enjoys it and good luck to all participants!
  8. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I entered this contest i knew that I wanted a map with alot of open space but enough cover between bases. And that's how Entwined was made to be. Supports Slayer and CTF gametypes.​

    [SIZE=+2]Dividing Wall[/SIZE]
    Laser spawns on top.
    Hammer spawns on bottom.
    [SIZE=+2]Ghost Spawn and Laser Spawn[/SIZE]
    (there is a tunnel underneath the ghost spawn that connects to a back alley)
    [SIZE=+2]One of the two identical bases (Blue Side)[/SIZE]
    Each base has a grav lift underneath it on the geomerged box for an alternative path to the sniper tower (the 2nd floor), which has a triangular shaped gap in the center.

    Even if my map doesn't win i may be making a version 2. So if anyone has any advice or comments regarding the map plz messege me about it. Thnx ​

    P.S. Plz don't offer any advice or comments without downloading the map. ​
    #8 Urban Myth, Feb 25, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  9. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Carbon Casino

    map made for Template Contest V6

    • map is symmetrical
    • Map has symmetry controls
    • map uses all template pieces
    • plays all gametypes...
    few thousand brs... not really didnt count but let me think ... atleast 8
    4 smgs
    4 spikers
    4 frags
    4 fusion coils
    4 cones
    6 plasmas i think
    1 rocket symmetrical
    1 sniper asymmetrical
    2 bubbleshields spawn later in game on tower
    2 camos symmetrical 120 respawn after start

    GAME SMOKER 89 Wins

    Asymmetrical Defensive spawn

    More Pic

    base defense symmetrical away

    Made by
    Me DoNtKnOwMe42 and GAME SMOKER 89 who is also me


    dang it got to fix attackers left stairs to spawn...
    ahh ... download link still availiable but stairs being fixed in the next 24 hrs

    Fixed link

    Download HERE

    bigger post click here
    #9 dontknowme42, Feb 27, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forge maps post here.
    ^^More pictures^^

    I created this map so that people would exercise strategy. This is an area where tactics claim superiority over all else.

    My original thoughts were to make an immense map with tons of platforms. Then I reconsidered and decided to try and stay within the budget limit, while still trying to make the map feel as vast as possible. I believe that I have accomplished this goal through many things. I have made the map fairly large, vehicle friendly, and I have also created several "obstacles" so as to present cover and to provide lots of vehicle fun. Well, lets put it this way. I spent about 45 minutes just driving the warthogs around and plowing over things... by myself (lol).

    I hope you download and have fun!


    • Vehicle friendly environment
    • All gametypes
    • The use of MANY respawns
    • Fun and interesting gameplay

    [ ___ ] __Floating Objects
    [ YES ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Map Overview

    Middle/Red Base Area


    For some reason there aren't any weapons shown in the pictures, so here's a list (of what I can think of):

    • BRs
    • Assault Rifles
    • 2 Covenant BR things (forget what they're called)
    • 2 Snipers
    • 1 Rocket
    • 1 Shotgun
    • 1 Active Camo
    • 2 Energy Drainers
    • 1 Bubble Shield
    • 4 Grenades
    • 4 Spike Grenades
    • 2 Maulers
    • 2 Spikers
    • 2 SMGs
    • 2 Plasma Rifles
    I'm pretty sure that's it...



    Thanks for taking a look!

    (click top picture for download)
    #10 Monolith, Feb 27, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  11. kamimartian

    kamimartian Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, after months of lurking here at Forgehub, this is my first submission - I think the template finally inspired me. I've always been a big fan of Big Team (pardon the pun), and the idea of successfully implementing vehicles on Foundry (which I'd never personally seen done) got me going.

    Design: The problem with Foundry and vehicles is that the small space of the warehouse forces together all of the most deadly instruments in the game. A balance must be struck between the need for open space, for proper vehicle maneuvering, and more broken sight lines, so as to prevent warthogs, say, from achieving complete dominance. My solution to this problem was to leave most of the ground floor of each side of Foundry open, but separate the sides through one major and one minor chokepoint. This, however, essentially collapsed the entire map into one area. As a result, the idea of a side-spanning platform was formed - a completely exposed route that would go over the middle divide, but would leave one completely open to fire from all sides of the map. The result is a 'C' shaped ramp that spans all the warehouse.

    With the vehicles squared away, the next focus was to ensure quality gameplay for the footsoldiers on this battlefield. The template provided a good start for this, and the vehicle chokepoints mentioned earlier should only add to that. However, more was needed, especially with the decision not to form the bases around the warthog spawns, but rather leave them in their default locations. Consequently, a combination of Sidewinder/Avalanche-esque and Valhalla-esque movement systems were put in. From Avalanche, the quick teleportation from the base to the 'corner hill' and subsequent mancannons were implemented, and from Valhalla, the mancannons from the base spawning to the central fighting area were also put into play.

    The result, I hope, is a worthwhile show of good use of both vehicles and the entirety of Foundry.

    This is the 'template area' of the map. The spawn point in the foreground is a rough marker of where the base mancannon will land. A magnum spawns on both sides in that location, and a pair of SMGs are on the back wall, atop the fencepiece.

    This shows the pair of mancannons that allow infantry to traverse the backside of the map by air. The teleporter in the far corner is one-way from the base, and the two ground-floor level chokepoints can be seen.

    This shows the two opposing bases, and the center region of the warehouse-spanning ramp. The mancannons along the center wall throw soldiers into the fray at the 'template area' of the map. The Gauss Hog on one side and Wraith on the other only spawn during Asymmetrical gametypes, replacing the the two default 'Hogs that normally spawn on the other end of the map. The interplay between the Gauss and the Wraith can hopefully incite positive memories from the Terminal days of Halo 2.

    A view looking out from the attacker's base.

    Teams looking for an edge may time the spawning Overshield, but they will need to find some other way around - windowpains and shield doors prevent people and fire from being exchanged.

    Thanks for reading, and best of luck to everyone else that enters!
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [SIZE=+2]By X2SheaX[/SIZE]​

    Reflection is a map meant for the largest parties you can have in halo. I wanted to make a map that would have some similarities with the biggest map to date, Avalanche. Works for every BTB gametype and holds Choppers and warthogs for each base for tons of vehicular slaughter.​

    Bigger Post


    [ ___ ] __Floating Objects
    [ YES ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    • 10 BRs
    • 2 Snipers
    • 2 Rockets
    • 1 Laser
    • 1 Hammer
    • 1 Shotgun
    • 1 Energy Drainers
    • 1 Bubble Shield
    • 2 Regenerators
    • 4 Grenades
    • 6 Plasma Grenades
    Warthog Spawns​


    View of one of the 2 symmetrical bases. (blue if you couldn't tell) From laser spawn. ​


    Thnx for viewing the map, download and try Reflection yourself. I had fun making it and hope you have the time of your lives playing it.​
    #12 Urban Myth, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  13. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Rnner Up

    Runner Up
    By nunvuv123

    Supported gametypes: team slayer, CTF
    Player count: 2-10

    This map is an symmetrical map taking place in deserted Washington DC. The covenant invaded making the citizens fall back and hide. In this part of the city, there are two buildings with hoards of citizens in them. When they wanted to talk to each other, the buildings would send runners over to say the message, hence the name Runner Up.

    Basically, the map was not made towards looks, but more towards gameplay. You will find a lack of interlocking on this map and there is a reason. Before, almost everything was interlocked/ geomerged. It really lagged up the game and really messed up everything. So, I stripped the map and rebuilt it step by step, perfecting all angles, it was the least i could do without geomerging a ton. Anyways, there are a few asthetic touches and interlocked/ geomerged things.

    The gameplay is quite nice on runner up. the weapons are layed out well and the warthogs are not a pain in the captains quarters. I wasn't able to get any action pics, but, i did get a number of games on runner up and it was great. Very fun. That is If you weren't playing with a bunch of infection fanatics. SERIOUSLY.

    weapons list:

    6 battle rifles
    2 plasma rifles
    2 needlers
    4 spikers
    2 bruteshots
    2 smgs
    1 laser
    1 rocket
    2 beam rifles
    2 warthogs
    2 power drainers
    1 overshields

    CHANGES* I made the back alleys where teams spawn inescapable, also I made the back walls inescapable too.

    Now for some 1337 pics:




    Thank you! Have a nice day.

    Download Lik:Halo 3 File Details

    #13 nuvnuv123, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    After many name changes, lots of building, and even more testing; Adelyss
    and I give you:

    Collision began as a simple conquest map that I designed for the latest
    Conquest Forge-off. Sadly, I could not complete the build in time for the
    deadline. Instead of crumpling up and throwing away my newest design, I
    decided to salvage it in hopes of turning it into a powerhouse entry to the
    Template Contest.

    As I've been told by many testers and players alike, Collision is very
    reminiscent of many old, titanic maps that are frequently used still today. I've
    been told it had the same qualities as Gridlocked's lines of sight, Side
    Longest's innovative design, and Cessastion's Fence wall divider. Nonetheless,
    people thought Collision still had its very own gameplay.

    • x10 Battle Rifles
    • x4 Carbines
    • x1 Plasma Pistol
    • x1 Spartan Laser
    • x2 Sniper Rifle
    • x1 Shotgun
    • x2 Dual Spikers
    • x10 Plasma Nades
    • x6 Frag Nades
    • x2 Needler
    • x2 Bubble Shield
    • x1 Trip Mine
    • x2 Warthog (turret)
    • x2 Mongoose

    I put a video instead of a Screenshot.
    Hope you dont mind :p

    -Download Collision-
    #14 Phreakie, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2009
  15. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Created By: Bartoge & pvilleplaya77

    Starting Out:

    Like my last map, Expenditure also had a baby phase in Google Sketchup. I really kept to the design that I had in Sketchup, and making only one real change, and adding structures to fill in the rest of the map, this really looks like my sketchup vision. Before I started seriously forging, I learned a tip or two from pvilleplayer77, and it greatly helped my thoughts of accomplishing my goal. After I learned all I needed to know, I started a rough draft of the map in forge. Everything seemed a-ok. There was plenty of room for warthogs and a good amount of cover for regular people.


    I took a lot of influence for Expenditure from Constrictor and Standoff. From Constrictor, I saw how there was a set path for Warthogs to travel. They were very limited, but I liked it, and so I expanded on it. Instead of a set path, Expenditure has more of guidelines. You can travel throughout much of the entirety of the map, but if you go into some places, your warthog will be in serious danger. The actual structures of the map are basically tall, imposing columns with catwalks connecting them. The columns make the warthogs travel in an S motion some of the time, and I really enjoyed that. I have divided the map into 5 distinct parts. Each one has different amounts of cover but they all have enough. The bases, are what you think; they are the bases of the map and in symmetrical games they are where the two teams spawn. The sub bases are similar to the bases, but smaller. They offer a good place for teams to spawn in game, and also make good territory spots. The middle is the connector area between the bases. It has the most cover in the map and you would be wise not to drive vehicles in it, as you will most likely lose it to grenades. The outer curve is the most open area and is normally for warthogs, and other vehicles to travel. The catwalks are 1-1 ½ stories above the ground level and offer a great advantage to those players on the ground. The catwalks go all around the map and offer routes to the entirety of the map.


    The best part about this map is the fact that with each gametype the map changes. Not the actual geometry but weapons, vehicles, bases, and everything except geometry changes. In symmetrical games, both teams spawn with the warthogs. There is a laser on the catwalk near the grav lift, there are snipers in the back hallway, and tripmines on the bridges. With asymmetric games, one team spawns near the shotgun {not there}, and one spawns near the sub bases. The sniper is where the trip mines where, a ghost where the Spartan laser was, and each team has rockets, and 2 mongeese {warthogs are gone}. In one Flag, the attackers spawn in the sub bases and have two return points. In One Bomb, the attackers spawn in the shotgun area and have 2 plant points. This has never really been done before in a map, and it works very well.

    Team Slayer
    Multiflag {Sym Version}
    Assault {Sym Version}
    One Bomb
    One Flag
    Land Grab
    Flag Rally
    Nuetral Bomb


    -AR X2
    -BR X8
    -Shotgun X1
    -Sniper X2
    -SMG X6
    -Spartan Laser X1
    -Machine Gun Turret X2
    -Warthog X2
    -Mongoose X4
    -Gravity Lift X1
    -Trip Mine X2
    -Bubble Shield X1

    -AR X2
    -BR X8
    -Sniper X2
    -Rockets X2
    -SMG X6
    -Mongoose X4
    -Ghost X1

    Now for some pictures...




    Download Expenditure
    Download Expenditure Sym

    There are two version for a reason. When you test this map, please play Multi-flag and Assault on "Expenditure Sym" version. If you play any other gametype you may use the regular "Expenditure". This will make sure you have the most enjoyable time when playing Expenditure. Thank you...
  16. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Created by flaming omelet

    Supported Gametypes:

    Map Description
    This is my submission for the Template Contest. I built my middle structure off of the template and also built my "warehouse" bases off of the template. Everything isn't interlocked or geomerged and it isn't perfect, but I feel it's a solid map. Unfortunately I haven't been able to test it because my Live connection sucks and my friend didn't have time, but all respawn times are appropriate and all objectives are well placed. I'm guessing the party size will be around 5v5, but adjust as need be. I shot for BTB, but I realized that Foundry was just too small for my map. So enjoy my creation that hopefully recreates classic gameplay for somewhat larger teams.

    2 Sniper Rifles
    4 ARs
    7 Battle Rifles
    2 Plasma Pistols
    4 SMGs
    4 Plasma Rifles
    2 Needlers
    1 Spartan Laser
    1 Shotgun
    2 Bruteshots
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 Carbines

    8 Frag Grenades
    8 Plasma Grenades
    2 Powerdrainers
    2 Bubbleshields
    1 Tripmine
    2 Active Camos

    2 Warthogs
    2 Mongeese
    2 Ghosts

    Active Camo Spawn and the front of Red Base

    Interior of Blue Base

    Middle Structure with Spartan Laser Spawn

    The three pictures above show just about everything except the back. The back consists of a long hallway with rockets and four pillars that are home to the bruteshot and bubbleshield. So download and take a look at the rest of the map and kick a little butt on Rebellion.

    Download Rebellion
    #16 flaming omelet, Mar 15, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  17. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    by TheEpicCiabatta and xZonKeD

    My partner and I took the rather tricky template and created a 6-base full foundry behemoth of a map, incorporating beautiful aesthetics into a smooth-playing and fun map. Vehicular combat meshes perfectly with action on foot, giving the map good balance and making sure that thinking (and shooting!) on your feet is just as important as your warthog skills. Gameplay feels somewhat reminiscent of the old BTB classic Relic, and yet still maintains its own unique style, where the team with the greatest coordination and skill will come out on top.

    Team Slayer
    Multi Flag
    One Flag
    Territories (and all default variants)
    Multi Bomb
    Neutral Bomb
    *A note on the gametypes - After quite a bit of testing, these are the gametypes that played the best. The map supports teams of 4 to teams of 8, although 5v5 and 6v6 are reccomended.*

    Weapons and vehicles:
    Battle Rifle x8
    Assault Rifle x2
    Covenant Carbine x2
    Needler x2
    Plasma Rifle x4
    Spiker x2
    SMG x4
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Rocket Launcher x2
    Spartan Laser
    Gravity Hammer (symmetrical gametypes only)
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x8
    Spike Grenade x4
    Bubble Shield x2
    Power Drain
    Warthog x2
    Mongoose x2

    Map breakdown:
    As previously stated, the map is a 6-base full foundry, comprised of 4 different base designs. 2 of the bases are mirrored to the other side, with the other 2 acting as neutral bases. The bases give players a safe haven from vehicles, while a rather open bottom floor gives the vehicles good manuverability. Multiple routes to and from each location provide the map with excellent flow.


    The main base, where symmetrical starting spawns and flag spawns are, as well as the rocket launcher spawn, stretches from the garage to the wing, providing a substantial walking surface and high ground against vehicles. Jump-ups in front of the base provide a quick way up for players on foot, and players can take shelter under the shield door protected bottom base.


    The first of the middle bases, dubbed "laser base," is the highest point on the map and includes the lift portion of the template. It also boasts a large collection of anti-vehicle weapons, making the base very useful if the opposing team is using vehicles. This comes at the cost of being more vulnerable than any of the other bases. Teams that can utilize this base will be at an advantage during games.

    The "wing" base, connected directly to the main base and the laser base, is home of the sniper rifle and mongoose. While not as powerful as the other bases, it has the advantage of having a quick escape route through the back hall, as well as the ability to attack laser base from behind and take it from an opposing team.


    The final base encompasses the larger portion of the template, and is the only part of the map inaccesible to vehicles. Suspended shield doors allow players to enter the base, as well as providing an open shooting lane while repelling vehicles. This is the defenders base for One Flag, and a powerful position to hold in symmetrical gametypes.

    Download Synopsis

    I hope you enjoy playing on this map as much as I enjoyed designing and building it.
  18. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh hi

    Whats A walnut

    By: Whats A scope and Paulie Walnuttz

    use team slayer or multi flag

    A larged sized symetrical map, 4v4 up to 6v6 is cool



    #18 Paulie Walnuttz, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
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