Map voted for - Synopsis Reason - Nobody forges with as much precision as Zonked. Well, okay maybe I do, but anyway. The angles and lines of this map accent it's 6-base layout very nicely. And the fact that it uses the entire space that Foundry provides is a plus. Testing - No. I would have, but my 360 has been recently plagued by the 3 red lights.
My map would have stood a really good chance but you guys closed the thread at 10 pm central time on the 20th. That is unacceptable and not fair. Re-open the thread for me. Please.
map voting for: Collision Reason: Its athestics, and beauty, and what a way to make the map work with the two warthogs. Testing: Well of course when i first saw it i tested it with 3v3 but only one time. good luck guys
Map voting for:Expenditure Reason:This map looks really well made. I love the structures and the bases, The game was wonderful. The only real problem was the map was little too open. Testing:I did not help test this map, but I'm good friends with bartoge.
map voting: collision reason: i would have voted for my map, runner up. But i cant and i guess nobody really likes it and nobody pays attention to those maps that never stnd a chance.=( i really felt it played out well but, runner up will just be another map. anyways, i think of collision because it plays out very well and it is pleasantly forged. testing: i loved the bunker in the bases. it was fun to lazer noobs. there wasn't much driving room but yet, it still was a joy playing. not much fun but for serious strategic battles, YES.
Map: Synopsis Reason: Great forging, good layout, and great gameplay. Plays well for all gametypes and is very balanced between vehicular and foot combat. Testing: I ran a few games on it, was a blast.
Synopsis map: Synopsis Reason: really good aesthetics and blast to play. Testing: games don't get boring and it's fast paced.
Map: Synopsis Reason: Kickass Fun and breathes life into the new era of truck. Testing: All night long baby.
Map: Synopsis Reason: Fantastic execution, all merges are pretty much perfect, great aesthetics but most importantly, a real blast to play on. Everything was balanced and was very fast-paced. Testing: Yes, I played a few games on it.
Map Voted For: Collision Reason: Great gameplay, layout and flawless interlocking. The warthog fits in perfectly with the map layout and has no trouble driving. Testing?: Yes
Map Voted For: Synopsis Reason: This map grapes faces, but I wish someone would've told me OS spawned at start. Testing?: Yes(?)
Expenditure I like symetrical maps a lot and I did a 1 on 1 offline with my brother and it played very well. It was only 2 people of course, but I loved the layout of the map, the interlocking, the weapon choice, and everything about the map. GL
Map Vote: Synopsis Reason: Forging is absolutely perfect, and aesthetically pleasing. From seeing this map from the beginning stages, i have seen just how much effort has been put into the designing/redesigning, and finally the actual forging of this map. Testing: Not yet, but it's bound to happen
Map Voted For: Synopsis Reason: The map is more dynamic than the other submitted maps, it also displays a large amount of advanced usage of forging glitches. Testing?: Yes
Map Voted For: Whats A walnut Reason: The aesthetics and gameplay are very equal, and as I was playing, I realized how often the battle always turned to the middle base, which is good. The path manipulation wasn't as great as it could, or should have been. But from what I experienced on these maps, this map was the best! Testing?: Got bored, played with some of my friends. Very fun, and had a blast! What's not to like but the path manipulation!?
Map voted for: Expenditure Reason: This map is very well forged, fun to play, and looks pretty cool. I helped Bartoge make the bridge walkways by the grav lift section and gave lots of input and ideas. Testing: Yes, It's really fun for assault!
Map voted for: Collision Reason for voting: it had alot of fun playing this map, it's well made and everything is done with care Testing: Yes(?)
Map Voted For: Collision Reason: Amazing layout with some original structures. It's also vehicle friendly. Testing?: No. =(
Map Voted For: Collision Reason: Looks great, smooth interlocking, great gameplay. Testing?: went well
Map Voted For: Collision Reason: The map has a great layout that makes it possible to set up a lot of different tactics. Testing?: Several times.